Class GUIEdit

  extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassifierInstance
      extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassInstance
          extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.javaimpl.runtime.SOLoistClassInstance
              extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.common.ObjectOfClass
                  extended by
                      extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
                          extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
All Implemented Interfaces:
IElementPresentationProvider, IUpdatable, rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement, IClassifierInstance, IClassInstance, IRTElement

public class GUIEdit
extends GUIElementComponent

A class that covers a variaty of widgets and input controls (fields, lists, combo boxes, suggest boxes, trees, and tables) that serve to help users pick or specify a value or values (both class or a data type instances) from the domain object space and edit or modify the object space. Values can be either selected or picked from the provided collection of values, like checking a value in a check-box-list, or they can be specified by the user, like typing-in a number in a text box. Selected or specified values are by default submitted into the object space on the server automatically. This is the main difference between these types of widgets and those created by using GUIInput class which do not have option to submit selected or specified values to the server automatically.

Different types of widgets can be produced using this class, so not all available methods are valid for each type of widget. Each method specifies what types of widgets support it.

SOL Expert Group
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static class GUIEdit.FQPropertyNames
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static class GUIEdit.PROPERTIES
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Field Summary
static IClass CLASSIFIER
          UML class reference
static java.lang.String FQ_TYPE_NAME
          Fully qualified UML class name
Fields inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
clearValue, input, kind, value, widget
Fields inherited from class
addStyle, context, description, enabled, init, inputBindings, layoutData, logger, name, outputBindings, ownerTable, parent, removeStyle, show, showInParent, styleName, tooltip, visible
Constructor Summary
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Method Summary
 void constructor()
          The domain-specific constructor of the Classifier.
static GUIEdit createCombo(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty)
          Creates a combo that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).
static GUIEdit createCombo(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, IProperty slotValueProperty)
          Creates a combo that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).
static GUIEdit createCombo(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, IProperty slotValueProperty, LayoutData layoutData)
          Creates a combo that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method), edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method), and sets a specific layout data information.
static GUIEdit createCombo(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, LayoutData layoutData)
          Creates a combo that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method), edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method), and sets a specific layout data information.
static GUIEdit createField(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty)
          Creates a field control depending on the type and multiplicity of the provided edit property.
static GUIEdit createField(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, int row, int column)
          Creates a field control depending on the type and multiplicity of the provided edit property and sets the row and column indices for the target cell in a table.
static GUIEdit createField(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, LayoutData layoutData)
          Creates a field control depending on the type and multiplicity of the provided edit property and sets a specific layout data information.
static GUIPanelComponent createFile(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, boolean isEditable)
          Creates a file widget in a panel that either edits a file slot specified by the edit property or only displays its value, as a download link.
static GUIPanelComponent createFile(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, boolean isEditable, boolean showSlotValue)
          Creates a file widget in a panel that edits a file slot specified by the edit property.
static GUIEdit createList(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty)
          Creates a list with check boxes that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).
static GUIEdit createList(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, IProperty slotValueProperty)
          Creates a list with check boxes that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot editor element input pin (ipElement() method).
static GUIPanelComponent createPicture(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, boolean isEditable)
          Creates a picture widget in a panel that either edits a picture slot specified by the edit property or only displays its value, as a download link.
static GUIEdit createSuggest(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty)
          Creates a suggest widget that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).
static GUIEdit createSuggest(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, IProperty slotValueProperty)
          Creates a suggest widget that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).
static GUIEdit createSuggest(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, IProperty slotValueProperty, LayoutData layoutData)
          Creates a suggest widget that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method), edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method), and sets a specific layout data information.
static GUIEdit createSuggest(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, LayoutData layoutData)
          Creates a suggest widget that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method), edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method), and sets a specific layout data information.
static GUIEdit createTree(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty)
          Creates a tree with check boxes that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).
static GUIEdit createTree(GUIContainerComponent parent, IProperty editProperty, IProperty slotValueProperty)
          Creates a tree with check boxes that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot editor element input pin (ipElement() method).
 java.lang.String getAllowedExtenstions()
          Returns allowed extensions.
 boolean getAllowFreeText()
          Deprecated. Not supported any more.
 boolean getAutoSubmit()
          Returns whether this widget is configured to auto-submit values on lost focus and enter pressed events.
static GUIEdit getBrowseButton(GUIPanelComponent panel)
          Returns the browse button from the file or picture widget.
 java.lang.String getCheckBoxLabel()
          Returns the check box label.
 boolean getDisplayAsLabel()
          Returns whether this widget displays slot value as label.
 boolean getDisplayDateAsCalendar()
          Returns whether this widget (if it is a configured for the Date type) should be displayed as calendar.
 boolean getEmptyTextAsNull()
          Returns whether empty text is treated as null or as empty String ("").
 boolean getHTML()
          Returns whether this widget accepts HTML.
 boolean getIndirect()
          Deprecated. Not supported any more.
 int getMaxFileSize()
          Returns max file size acceptable.
 int getMaxLength()
          Returns the max length in characters that this widget can accept.
 boolean getMultiline()
          Returns whether this widget is displayed as text area.
 boolean getPartial()
          Returns whether this widget edits slot using add value and remove value or using set value policy.
 boolean getPassword()
          Returns whether this widget is displayed as password text box.
 java.lang.String getPropertyFQName()
          Returns the edit property FQ name.
 boolean getReadOnly()
          Returns whether this widget is read-only or editable.
 java.lang.String getRegularExpression()
          Returns the regular expression.
static GUIButtonComponent getRemoveButton(GUIPanelComponent panel)
          Returns the remove button from the file or picture widget.
 int getSelectionLowerBound()
          Returns the selection lower bound.
 int getSelectionUpperBound()
          Returns the selection upper bound.
 boolean getShowSuggestionsOnFocus()
          Returns whether this widget (is it is a suggest widget) should show suggestions on focus.
static GUIEdit getSlotValueComponent(GUIPanelComponent panel)
          Returns the slot value widget from the file or picture widget.
 boolean getSlotValueIndirect()
          Deprecated. Not supported any more.
 java.lang.String getSlotValuePropertyFQName()
          Returns the slot value property name.
 boolean getToggle()
          Returns whether this widget (if it is configured for the attribute of Boolean type) should be displayed as toggle button instead of as check box.
static GUIButtonComponent getUploadButton(GUIPanelComponent panel)
          Returns the upload button from the file or picture widget.
 ISlot<?> ipChecked()
          Returns the checked input pin; when event occurs, if this widget is check box, it will get checked and new value will be stored in corresponding attribute.
 ISlot<?> ipClearValue()
          Returns the clearValue input pin; when event occurs, selected, picked, or specified value of this widget will be cleared and corresponding slot will also be cleared in the object space.
 ISlot<?> ipCollection()
          Returns the collection input pin; when event occurs, the collection of instances from the binding message will be presented in this widget.
 ISlot<?> ipElement()
          Returns the slot editor element input pin; when event occurs, this widget will read the slot of the specified property of the object from the binding message and refresh presented values accordingly.
 ISlot<?> ipFocus()
          Returns the focus input pin; when event occurs, this widget will receive focus.
 ISlot<?> ipRefresh()
          Returns the slot editor refresh input pin; when event occurs, the slot currently being presented and listened to is re-fetched or refreshed.
 ISlot<?> ipRefreshInput()
          Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, the presented data will be re-fetched from the server.
 ISlot<?> ipSelectAll()
          Returns the selectAll input pin; when event occurs, this widget will select all objects that are presented at that moment in time.
 ISlot<?> ipSelection()
          Returns the selection input pin; when event occurs, this widget will try to select object(s) from the binding message if it/they is/are presented in this widget.
 ISlot<?> ipSlotValueElement()
          Returns the slot value element input pin; when event occurs, the slot value of the object from the binding message will be fetched and and presented.
 ISlot<?> ipSubmit()
          Returns the submit input pin; when event occurs, the values presented in this widget will be submitted into the current slot.
 ISlot<?> ipSubnodesInput()
          Deprecated. Not supported any more.
 ISlot<?> ipUnchecked()
          Returns the unchecked input pin; when event occurs, if this widget is check box, it will get unchecked and new value will be stored in corresponding attribute.
 ISlot<?> ipUnselectAll()
          Returns the unselectAll input pin; when event occurs, this widget will un-select all selected objects that are presented at that moment in time.
 ISlot<?> ipValue()
          Returns the value input pin; when event occurs, binding message will be presented, picked or selected by this widget and new value stored in appropriate attribute or association end.
 ISlot<?> opChecked()
          Returns the checked output pin; for every check of the value of the check box, an empty binding message will be provided on this pin.
 ISlot<?> opEnterPressed()
          Returns the enterPressed output pin; when this widget has focus and enter pressed event is issued, the empty binding message will be provided on this pin.
 ISlot<?> opFocus()
          Returns the focus output pin; when this widget receives focus, the empty binding message will be provided on this pin.
 ISlot<?> opFocusLost()
          Returns the focusLost output pin; when this widget loses focus, the empty binding message will be provided on this pin.
 ISlot<?> opParent()
          Returns the parent output pin; for every change of selection in a tree, the binding message with the parent object of the newly selected object will be provided on this pin.
 ISlot<?> opSelection()
          Returns the selection output pin; for every change of selection the binding message with selected object(s) will be provided on this pin.
 ISlot<?> opUnchecked()
          Returns the unchecked output pin; for every un-check of the value of the check box, an empty binding message will be provided on this pin.
 ISlot<?> opValue()
          Returns the value output pin; when the selected, picked, checked, or typed-in value of this widget changes and new value gets stored in the object space, the binding message with that new value will be provided on this pin.
static void setAllowedExtensions(GUIPanelComponent fileWidgetPanel, java.lang.String extensions)
          Sets allowed file extensions for the file widget created using createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean) method or createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean, boolean) method.
 void setAllowedExtensions(java.lang.String extensions)
          Sets the allowable file extensions if this widget is configured with property of the File or Picture data type.
 void setAllowFreeText(boolean value)
          Deprecated. Not supported any more.
 void setAutoSubmit(boolean isAutoSubmit)
          Sets whether this widget is configured to auto-submit values on lost focus and enter pressed events.
 void setCheckBoxLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Sets the check box label if this widget is configured with the property of the Boolean data type which has lower multiplicity in the model set to 1.
 void setDisplayAsLabel(boolean asLabel)
          Sets whether this widget displays its value as label or not.
 void setDisplayDateAsCalendar(boolean displayAsCalendar)
          Sets whether this widget (if it is a configured with the property of the Date or DateTime type) should be displayed as calendar.
 void setEmptyTextAsNull(boolean isEmptyTextNull)
          Sets whether empty text is treated as null or as empty String ("").
 void setHTML(boolean isHTML)
          Sets whether this widget should accept HTML text.
 void setIndirect(boolean value)
          Deprecated. Not supported any more.
 void setMaxFileSize(int maxSize)
          Sets the max acceptable file size.
 void setMaxLength(int length)
          Sets the max acceptable text length.
 void setMultiline(boolean isMultiline)
          Sets whether this widget appears as text area.
 void setPartial(boolean isPartial)
          Sets whether this widget edits slot using add value and remove value or using set value policy.
 void setPassword(boolean isPassword)
          Sets whether this widget should act as a password text box.
 void setPropertyFQName(java.lang.String propertyFQName)
          Sets the property FQ name of the edit property.
 void setReadOnly(boolean isReadOnly)
          Sets whether this widget is read only or not.
 void setRegularExpression(java.lang.String regex)
          Sets the regular expression that drives the validation of this widget.
 void setSelectionLowerBound(int bound)
          Sets the selection lower bound if this widget is a list, tree, or a table version.
 void setSelectionUpperBound(int bound)
          Sets the selection upper bound if this widget is a list, tree, or a table version.
 void setShowSuggestionsOnFocus(boolean show)
          Sets whether this widget should show suggestion immediately after receives focus or wait until at least one character is typed-in.
 void setSlotValueIndirect(boolean value)
          Deprecated. Not supported any more.
 void setSlotValuePropertyFQName(java.lang.String fqName)
          Sets the property FQ name that determines the slot of the object received via the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method), which will be used to fetch objects and present them in this widget.
 void setToggle(boolean isToggle)
          Sets whether this widget should behave like a toggle button.
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
addColumn, addColumnComponent, addColumnName, addEnumerationInstancesInfo, addInitialValue, clearColumnComponents, clearColumnNames, clearInitialValues, create, create, create, create, create, create, create, createInput, createInput, createInput, createInput, createInput, createInput, createInput, createInput, createInputCheckbox, createInputCheckbox, createInputTree, createInputTree, createInputTree, createInputTree, createInputTree, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditor, createSlotEditorCheckbox, createSlotEditorCheckbox, createSlotEditorTree, getColumnComponents, getColumnNames, getDefaultTime, getInitialValues, getIntegralPart, getLowerBound, getMinRows, getTableTransformer, getTypeFQName, getUpperBound, ipParent, ipReset, removeColumnComponent, removeColumnName, removeInitialValue, setColumnComponents, setColumnComponents, setColumnNames, setDefaultTime, setInitialValues, setLowerBound, setMinRows, setTableTransformer, setTypeFQName, setUpperBound, validate
Methods inherited from class
addStyleNames, addValueToSlot, clearSlot, clone, createInfo, createInfoAlreadyValidated, destructor, fillElementInfo, getApplication, getCommands, getCommands, getCommonOwner, getContext, getDescription, getDescrString, getDragIcon, getEnabled, getFeature, getFeature, getInputBindings, getInputPin, getInputPins, getLabelString, getLargeIcon, getLayoutData, getName, getNameString, getOutputPin, getOutputPins, getOwner, getParts, getSetting, getSmallIcon, getStyle, getSubnodes, getTooltip, getTooltipString, getTypeString, getVisible, handle, ipAddStyle, ipEnabled, ipInit, ipRemoveStyle, ipShow, ipShowInParent, ipVisible, isInputPin, isOutputPin, putFeatureInfo, readElement, readElements, readSlot, readSlotAsInfo, readSubnodes, removeValueFromSlot, setCellAlignment, setCellSize, setCellStyle, setCenter, setContext, setDescription, setDirectionAndSize, setEnabled, setLayoutData, setLeftRightWidth, setName, setRowColumn, setRowColumn, setSize, setSlot, setSlot, setStyle, setTooltip, setTopBottomHeight, setVisible, setXY, toTranslateDescriptors, translatePinName, updateInfo, validateParts, validateParts
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.javaimpl.runtime.SOLoistClassInstance
destroy, equals, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstances, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValues, getMyClass, getMyID, getSlot, getSlot, getSlots, getUMLClass, hashCode, isMarkedAsDeleted, toString
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassInstance
accept, accept, exists, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstance, getClassifier, hasIdentity, isClassInstance, isDataTypeInstance, isEqualTo, makeClone, markAsDeleted
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassifierInstance
conformsTo, copySlots, copySlots, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getClassifierFQName, getClassifierUQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizer, getFirstCommonGeneralizerFQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizerUQName, getMElement, getSlot, getSlot, isDirectInstanceOf, isDirectInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
conformsTo, copySlots, copySlots, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getClassifierFQName, getClassifierUQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizer, getFirstCommonGeneralizerFQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizerUQName, getSlot, getSlot, isDirectInstanceOf, isDirectInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IRTElement
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement
isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String FQ_TYPE_NAME
Fully qualified UML class name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final IClass CLASSIFIER
UML class reference

Constructor Detail


public GUIEdit()
Deprecated. Not for public use.

Method Detail


public void constructor()
Description copied from interface: IClassifierInstance
The domain-specific constructor of the Classifier.

Specified by:
constructor in interface IClassifierInstance
constructor in class GUIElementComponent


public static GUIEdit createField(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                  IProperty editProperty)
Creates a field control depending on the type and multiplicity of the provided edit property.

For example:

It is very important to note that this widget will be disabled until it receives a binding message with an object on its slot editor element input pin (ipElement() method). After it receives the object via that pin, the object's slot will be fetched, this widget will be enabled and a fetched value(s) presented in this widget.

For example, if the specified property of this widget is name of the type Text, then a text box will be created. After an object of the class that owns specified property is accepted on the element input pin, the name slot of the accepted object will be fetched from the server and that value will be presented in the text box. Every modification of the text value in the text box will be (by default) stored into the object's slot immediately after the focus is lost, or if the enter is pressed. This automatic storing can be turned off with a setAutoSubmit(boolean) method. In that case, the storing of value in the text box will occur after event is received on the submit input pin (ipSubmit() method). Code example:

 // creates text box able to edit the name property of the Person class
 GUIEdit nameEdit = GUIEdit.create(parent,;
 // the binding that will provide an object whose name is to be edited
 GUIComponentBinding.create(personList.opValue(), nameEdit.ipElement());

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose type and multiplicity define the behavior and appearance of this widget
the created GUIEdit widget


public static GUIEdit createField(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                  IProperty editProperty,
                                  LayoutData layoutData)
Creates a field control depending on the type and multiplicity of the provided edit property and sets a specific layout data information. Acts the same way createField(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty) method, plus adds layout specification.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose type and multiplicity define the behavior and appearance of this widget
layoutData - the LayoutData of the widget to be created
the created GUIEdit widget


public static GUIEdit createField(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                  IProperty editProperty,
                                  int row,
                                  int column)
Creates a field control depending on the type and multiplicity of the provided edit property and sets the row and column indices for the target cell in a table. Acts the same way createField(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, LayoutData) but constrained to table layout.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose type and multiplicity define the behavior and appearance of this widget
row - the row index in a parent table of the widget to be created
column - the column index in a parent table of the widget to be created
the created GUIEdit widget


public static GUIEdit createList(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                 IProperty editProperty)
Creates a list with check boxes that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
the created list with check boxes


public static GUIEdit createList(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                 IProperty editProperty,
                                 IProperty slotValueProperty)
Creates a list with check boxes that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot editor element input pin (ipElement() method).

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
slotValueProperty - the property whose slot is to be read to collect objects that should be presented in the list
the created list with check boxes


public static GUIEdit createTree(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                 IProperty editProperty)
Creates a tree with check boxes that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
the created tree with check boxes


public static GUIEdit createTree(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                 IProperty editProperty,
                                 IProperty slotValueProperty)
Creates a tree with check boxes that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot editor element input pin (ipElement() method).

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
slotValueProperty - the property whose slot is to be read to collect objects that should be presented in the tree
the created tree with check boxes


public static GUIEdit createCombo(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                  IProperty editProperty)
Creates a combo that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
the created combo


public static GUIEdit createCombo(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                  IProperty editProperty,
                                  LayoutData layoutData)
Creates a combo that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method), edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method), and sets a specific layout data information.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
layoutData - the LayoutData of the widget to be created
the created combo


public static GUIEdit createCombo(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                  IProperty editProperty,
                                  IProperty slotValueProperty)
Creates a combo that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
slotValueProperty - the property whose slot is to be read to collect objects that should be presented in the combo
the created combo


public static GUIEdit createCombo(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                  IProperty editProperty,
                                  IProperty slotValueProperty,
                                  LayoutData layoutData)
Creates a combo that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method), edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method), and sets a specific layout data information.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
slotValueProperty - the property whose slot is to be read to collect objects that should be presented in the combo
layoutData - the LayoutData of the widget to be created
the created combo


public static GUIEdit createSuggest(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                    IProperty editProperty)
Creates a suggest widget that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
the created suggest widget


public static GUIEdit createSuggest(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                    IProperty editProperty,
                                    LayoutData layoutData)
Creates a suggest widget that presents objects obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the collection input pin (ipCollection() method), edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method), and sets a specific layout data information.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
layoutData - the LayoutData of the widget to be created
the created suggest widget


public static GUIEdit createSuggest(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                    IProperty editProperty,
                                    IProperty slotValueProperty)
Creates a suggest widget that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method) and edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method).

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
slotValueProperty - the property whose slot is to be read to collect objects that should be presented in the suggest widget
the created suggest widget


public static GUIEdit createSuggest(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                    IProperty editProperty,
                                    IProperty slotValueProperty,
                                    LayoutData layoutData)
Creates a suggest widget that presents objects obtained by reading the slot that corresponds to provided slot value property of the domain object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method), edits a slot of the specified edit property of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method), and sets a specific layout data information.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
slotValueProperty - the property whose slot is to be read to collect objects that should be presented in the suggest widget
layoutData - the LayoutData of the widget to be created
the created suggest widget


public static GUIPanelComponent createFile(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                           IProperty editProperty,
                                           boolean isEditable,
                                           boolean showSlotValue)
Creates a file widget in a panel that edits a file slot specified by the edit property. The file widget consists of upload browse field, and upload and remove buttons all contained in a single returned panel.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited by the returned widget
isEditable - a boolean that allows/forbids uploading and removing files
showSlotValue - a boolean that specifies if slot value is to be displayed
the root panel with created widgets


public static GUIPanelComponent createFile(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                           IProperty editProperty,
                                           boolean isEditable)
Creates a file widget in a panel that either edits a file slot specified by the edit property or only displays its value, as a download link.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited or displayed by the returned widget
isEditable - a boolean that allows/forbids uploading and removing files
the root panel with the file widget


public static GUIPanelComponent createPicture(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                              IProperty editProperty,
                                              boolean isEditable)
Creates a picture widget in a panel that either edits a picture slot specified by the edit property or only displays its value, as a download link.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
editProperty - the property whose slot is to be edited or displayed by the returned widget
isEditable - a boolean that allows/forbids uploading and removing pictures
the root panel with the picture widget


public static void setAllowedExtensions(GUIPanelComponent fileWidgetPanel,
                                        java.lang.String extensions)
Sets allowed file extensions for the file widget created using createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean) method or createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean, boolean) method. Updates upload button's tooltip with information about allowed extensions.

fileWidgetPanel - the previously created panel with the file widget
extensions - comma separated allowed extensions


public static GUIButtonComponent getUploadButton(GUIPanelComponent panel)
Returns the upload button from the file or picture widget.

panel - the previously created panel with the file or picture widget
the upload button from the file or picture widget
See Also:
createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean), createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean, boolean), createPicture(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean)


public static GUIButtonComponent getRemoveButton(GUIPanelComponent panel)
Returns the remove button from the file or picture widget.

panel - the previously created panel with the file or picture widget
the remove button from the file or picture widget
See Also:
createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean), createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean, boolean), createPicture(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean)


public static GUIEdit getBrowseButton(GUIPanelComponent panel)
Returns the browse button from the file or picture widget.

panel - the previously created panel with the file or picture widget
the browse button from the file or picture widget
See Also:
createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean), createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean, boolean), createPicture(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean)


public static GUIEdit getSlotValueComponent(GUIPanelComponent panel)
Returns the slot value widget from the file or picture widget.

panel - the previously created panel with the file or picture widget
the slot value widget from the file or picture widget
See Also:
createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean), createFile(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean, boolean), createPicture(GUIContainerComponent, IProperty, boolean)


public ISlot<?> ipValue()
Returns the value input pin; when event occurs, binding message will be presented, picked or selected by this widget and new value stored in appropriate attribute or association end.

For example, if this widget is a list with check boxes, and a binding message with the object (contained in the list) is received through this pin, the object will immediately become checked and association end modified. Or, if this widget is a text box, then each binding message with a text received through this pin will set the text box to that new value (the old value will be cleared) and also an appropriate attribute will also be set.

ipValue in class GUIElementComponent
the value input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipClearValue()
Returns the clearValue input pin; when event occurs, selected, picked, or specified value of this widget will be cleared and corresponding slot will also be cleared in the object space. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

For example, if this widget is a list, this will clear the selection. If this widget is a text box, it will clear the text in the text box.

ipClearValue in class GUIElementComponent
the clearValue input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipRefresh()
Returns the slot editor refresh input pin; when event occurs, the slot currently being presented and listened to is re-fetched or refreshed. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

ipRefresh in class GUIElementComponent
the slot editor refresh input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipSubmit()
Returns the submit input pin; when event occurs, the values presented in this widget will be submitted into the current slot. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

ipSubmit in class GUIElementComponent
the submit input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipElement()
Returns the slot editor element input pin; when event occurs, this widget will read the slot of the specified property of the object from the binding message and refresh presented values accordingly.

ipElement in class GUIElementComponent
the slot editor element input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipRefreshInput()
Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, the presented data will be re-fetched from the server. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters. This pin is not supported in the field versions of this widget.

ipRefreshInput in class GUIElementComponent
the refresh input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipSubnodesInput()
Deprecated. Not supported any more.

ipSubnodesInput in class GUIElementComponent


public ISlot<?> ipCollection()
Returns the collection input pin; when event occurs, the collection of instances from the binding message will be presented in this widget. This pin is not supported in the field versions of this widget.

For example, if this widget is a list and receives a collection of domain object instances via this pin, these instances will be presented.

ipCollection in class GUIElementComponent
the collection input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipSlotValueElement()
Returns the slot value element input pin; when event occurs, the slot value of the object from the binding message will be fetched and and presented. The slot value is actually a collection of objects linked to the object from the binding message. The property of the slot must be defined during the construction of this widget.

ipSlotValueElement in class GUIElementComponent
the slot value element input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipFocus()
Returns the focus input pin; when event occurs, this widget will receive focus. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters. This pin is supported only in field versions of this widget.

ipFocus in class GUIElementComponent
the focus input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipChecked()
Returns the checked input pin; when event occurs, if this widget is check box, it will get checked and new value will be stored in corresponding attribute. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters. This pin is supported only in field version of this widget configured for Boolean data type.

ipChecked in class GUIElementComponent
the checked input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipUnchecked()
Returns the unchecked input pin; when event occurs, if this widget is check box, it will get unchecked and new value will be stored in corresponding attribute. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters. This pin is supported only in field version of this widget configured for Boolean data type.

ipUnchecked in class GUIElementComponent
the unchecked input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipSelection()
Returns the selection input pin; when event occurs, this widget will try to select object(s) from the binding message if it/they is/are presented in this widget. This pin is supported only in tree, list, and table versions of this widget.

ipSelection in class GUIElementComponent
the selection input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipSelectAll()
Returns the selectAll input pin; when event occurs, this widget will select all objects that are presented at that moment in time. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters. This pin is supported only in tree, list, and table versions of this widget.

ipSelectAll in class GUIElementComponent
the selectAll input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipUnselectAll()
Returns the unselectAll input pin; when event occurs, this widget will un-select all selected objects that are presented at that moment in time. The binding message content is of no importance. Only event is what matters. This pin is supported only in tree, list, and table versions of this widget.

ipUnselectAll in class GUIElementComponent
the unselectAll input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opParent()
Returns the parent output pin; for every change of selection in a tree, the binding message with the parent object of the newly selected object will be provided on this pin. This pin is supported only in tree version of this widget.

the parent output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opSelection()
Returns the selection output pin; for every change of selection the binding message with selected object(s) will be provided on this pin. This pin is supported only in tree, list, and table versions of this widget.

opSelection in class GUIElementComponent
the selection output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opUnchecked()
Returns the unchecked output pin; for every un-check of the value of the check box, an empty binding message will be provided on this pin. This pin is only supported in the field version of this widget configured for Boolean data type.

opUnchecked in class GUIElementComponent
the unchecked output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opChecked()
Returns the checked output pin; for every check of the value of the check box, an empty binding message will be provided on this pin. This pin is only supported in the field version of this widget configured for Boolean data type.

opChecked in class GUIElementComponent
the checked output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opFocus()
Returns the focus output pin; when this widget receives focus, the empty binding message will be provided on this pin. This pin is only supported in field versions of this widget.

opFocus in class GUIElementComponent
the focus output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opFocusLost()
Returns the focusLost output pin; when this widget loses focus, the empty binding message will be provided on this pin. This pin is only supported in field versions of this widget.

opFocusLost in class GUIElementComponent
the focusLost output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opEnterPressed()
Returns the enterPressed output pin; when this widget has focus and enter pressed event is issued, the empty binding message will be provided on this pin. This pin is only supported in field versions of this widget.

opEnterPressed in class GUIElementComponent
the enterPressed output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opValue()
Returns the value output pin; when the selected, picked, checked, or typed-in value of this widget changes and new value gets stored in the object space, the binding message with that new value will be provided on this pin.

opValue in class GUIElementComponent
the value output pin
See Also:


public java.lang.String getPropertyFQName()
Returns the edit property FQ name.

getPropertyFQName in class GUIElementComponent
the edit property FQ name
See Also:


public void setPropertyFQName(java.lang.String propertyFQName)
Sets the property FQ name of the edit property. Edit property is the property whose corresponding slot of the object obtained through the widget binding mechanism via the element input pin (ipElement() method) will be edited by this widget.

setPropertyFQName in class GUIElementComponent
propertyFQName - the property FQ name


public boolean getIndirect()
Deprecated. Not supported any more.

getIndirect in class GUIElementComponent


public void setIndirect(boolean value)
Deprecated. Not supported any more.

setIndirect in class GUIElementComponent


public boolean getReadOnly()
Returns whether this widget is read-only or editable.

getReadOnly in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget is read-only or editable
See Also:


public void setReadOnly(boolean isReadOnly)
Sets whether this widget is read only or not.

setReadOnly in class GUIElementComponent
isReadOnly - the boolean that tells whether this widget is read only or not


public boolean getAutoSubmit()
Returns whether this widget is configured to auto-submit values on lost focus and enter pressed events.

getAutoSubmit in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget is configured to auto-submit values on lost focus and enter pressed events
See Also:


public void setAutoSubmit(boolean isAutoSubmit)
Sets whether this widget is configured to auto-submit values on lost focus and enter pressed events.

setAutoSubmit in class GUIElementComponent
isAutoSubmit - the boolean that tells whether this widget is configured to auto-submit values


public boolean getPartial()
Returns whether this widget edits slot using add value and remove value or using set value policy.

getPartial in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget edits slot using add value and remove value or using set value policy
See Also:


public void setPartial(boolean isPartial)
Sets whether this widget edits slot using add value and remove value or using set value policy.

setPartial in class GUIElementComponent
isPartial - the boolean that tell whether this widget edits slot using add value and remove value or using set value policy


public boolean getDisplayAsLabel()
Returns whether this widget displays slot value as label.

getDisplayAsLabel in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget displayes slot value as label
See Also:


public void setDisplayAsLabel(boolean asLabel)
Sets whether this widget displays its value as label or not.

setDisplayAsLabel in class GUIElementComponent
asLabel - the boolean that tells whether this widget displays its value as label or not


public java.lang.String getSlotValuePropertyFQName()
Returns the slot value property name.

getSlotValuePropertyFQName in class GUIElementComponent
the slot value property name
See Also:


public void setSlotValuePropertyFQName(java.lang.String fqName)
Sets the property FQ name that determines the slot of the object received via the widget binding mechanism via the slot value element input pin (ipSlotValueElement() method), which will be used to fetch objects and present them in this widget. This method should not be called for field version of this widget; only for list, tree, combo, suggest, and table versions.

setSlotValuePropertyFQName in class GUIElementComponent
fqName - the FQ name of the slot


public boolean getSlotValueIndirect()
Deprecated. Not supported any more.

getSlotValueIndirect in class GUIElementComponent


public void setSlotValueIndirect(boolean value)
Deprecated. Not supported any more.

setSlotValueIndirect in class GUIElementComponent


public java.lang.String getCheckBoxLabel()
Returns the check box label.

getCheckBoxLabel in class GUIElementComponent
the check box label
See Also:


public void setCheckBoxLabel(java.lang.String label)
Sets the check box label if this widget is configured with the property of the Boolean data type which has lower multiplicity in the model set to 1.

setCheckBoxLabel in class GUIElementComponent
label - the new check box label


public java.lang.String getAllowedExtenstions()
Returns allowed extensions.

getAllowedExtenstions in class GUIElementComponent
the allowed extensions
See Also:


public void setAllowedExtensions(java.lang.String extensions)
Sets the allowable file extensions if this widget is configured with property of the File or Picture data type.

setAllowedExtensions in class GUIElementComponent
extensions - the allowable file extensions


public java.lang.String getRegularExpression()
Returns the regular expression.

getRegularExpression in class GUIElementComponent
the regular expression
See Also:


public void setRegularExpression(java.lang.String regex)
Sets the regular expression that drives the validation of this widget. It is supported only in the field versions of this widget.

setRegularExpression in class GUIElementComponent
regex - the regular expression that drives the validation


public boolean getMultiline()
Returns whether this widget is displayed as text area.

getMultiline in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget is displayed as text area
See Also:


public void setMultiline(boolean isMultiline)
Sets whether this widget appears as text area. This is relevant only if this widget is configured with property of the Text data type.

setMultiline in class GUIElementComponent
isMultiline - the boolean that tells whether this widget appears as text area


public boolean getPassword()
Returns whether this widget is displayed as password text box.

getPassword in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget is displayed as password text box
See Also:


public void setPassword(boolean isPassword)
Sets whether this widget should act as a password text box.

setPassword in class GUIElementComponent
isPassword - the boolean that tells whether this widget should act as a password text box


public boolean getEmptyTextAsNull()
Returns whether empty text is treated as null or as empty String ("").

getEmptyTextAsNull in class GUIElementComponent
whether empty text is treated as null or as empty String ("")
See Also:


public void setEmptyTextAsNull(boolean isEmptyTextNull)
Sets whether empty text is treated as null or as empty String (""). Relevant only in the field version of this widget configured with property of the Text data type.

setEmptyTextAsNull in class GUIElementComponent
isEmptyTextNull - the boolean that tells whether empty text is treated as null or as empty String ("")


public boolean getDisplayDateAsCalendar()
Returns whether this widget (if it is a configured for the Date type) should be displayed as calendar.

getDisplayDateAsCalendar in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget should be displayed as calendar
See Also:


public void setDisplayDateAsCalendar(boolean displayAsCalendar)
Sets whether this widget (if it is a configured with the property of the Date or DateTime type) should be displayed as calendar.

setDisplayDateAsCalendar in class GUIElementComponent
displayAsCalendar - the boolean that tells whether this widget should be displayed as calendar


public boolean getHTML()
Returns whether this widget accepts HTML.

getHTML in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget accepts HTML
See Also:


public void setHTML(boolean isHTML)
Sets whether this widget should accept HTML text. This is relevant only if this widget is a field version configured with property of the Text data type.

setHTML in class GUIElementComponent
isHTML - the boolean that tells whether this widget should accept HTML text


public int getMaxLength()
Returns the max length in characters that this widget can accept.

getMaxLength in class GUIElementComponent
the max length in characters that this widget can accept
See Also:


public void setMaxLength(int length)
Sets the max acceptable text length. This is relevant only if this widget is a field version.

setMaxLength in class GUIElementComponent
length - the max acceptable text length


public int getMaxFileSize()
Returns max file size acceptable.

getMaxFileSize in class GUIElementComponent
max file size acceptable
See Also:


public void setMaxFileSize(int maxSize)
Sets the max acceptable file size. This is relevant only if this widget is a configured with property of the File or the Picture data type.

setMaxFileSize in class GUIElementComponent
maxSize - the max acceptable file size


public int getSelectionLowerBound()
Returns the selection lower bound.

getSelectionLowerBound in class GUIElementComponent
the selection lower bound
See Also:


public void setSelectionLowerBound(int bound)
Sets the selection lower bound if this widget is a list, tree, or a table version.

setSelectionLowerBound in class GUIElementComponent
bound - the selection lower bound


public int getSelectionUpperBound()
Returns the selection upper bound.

getSelectionUpperBound in class GUIElementComponent
the selection upper bound
See Also:


public void setSelectionUpperBound(int bound)
Sets the selection upper bound if this widget is a list, tree, or a table version.

setSelectionUpperBound in class GUIElementComponent
bound - the selection upper bound


public boolean getToggle()
Returns whether this widget (if it is configured for the attribute of Boolean type) should be displayed as toggle button instead of as check box.

getToggle in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget should be displayed as toggle button instead of as check box
See Also:


public void setToggle(boolean isToggle)
Sets whether this widget should behave like a toggle button. This is relevant only if this is a field widget version configured with property of the Boolean data type.

setToggle in class GUIElementComponent
isToggle - the boolean that tell whether this widget should behave like the toggle button


public boolean getAllowFreeText()
Deprecated. Not supported any more.

getAllowFreeText in class GUIElementComponent


public void setAllowFreeText(boolean value)
Deprecated. Not supported any more.

setAllowFreeText in class GUIElementComponent


public boolean getShowSuggestionsOnFocus()
Returns whether this widget (is it is a suggest widget) should show suggestions on focus.

getShowSuggestionsOnFocus in class GUIElementComponent
whether this widget should show suggestions on focus
See Also:


public void setShowSuggestionsOnFocus(boolean show)
Sets whether this widget should show suggestion immediately after receives focus or wait until at least one character is typed-in. This is relevant only if this widget is a suggest version.

setShowSuggestionsOnFocus in class GUIElementComponent
show - the boolean that tells whether this widget should show suggestion immediately after receives focus or wait until at least one character is typed-in