Uses of Class

Packages that use GUIItemSetting Provides root GUI class and the main class that deals with widget interaction. Provides classes that capture data formatting of data type instances, domain objects, and model elements. 

Uses of GUIItemSetting in

Methods in that return GUIItemSetting
 GUIItemSetting GUIComponent.getSetting(rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement el)
          Returns the GUIItemSetting in the GUIContext of this widget that describes the given element.

Uses of GUIItemSetting in

Subclasses of GUIItemSetting in
 class GUIClassifierSetting
          A GUIItemSetting for classes.
 class GUIDataTypeInstanceSetting
          A GUIItemSetting for instances of data types.
 class GUIElementSetting
          A GUIItemSetting for elements.
 class GUIEnumerationLiteralSetting
          A GUIItemSetting for enumeration literals.
 class GUINullSetting
          A GUIItemSetting for null values.
 class GUIObjectSetting
          A GUIItemSetting for objects of classes.
 class GUIPropertySetting
          A GUIItemSetting for properties.
 class GUISlotSetting
          A GUIItemSetting for slots.

Fields in with type parameters of type GUIItemSetting
 IAssociationEndInstance<GUIItemSetting> GUISettingFeature.ownerSetting
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAssociationEndInstance<GUIItemSetting> GUIMultitypingFeature.settings
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAssociationEndInstance<GUIItemSetting> GUIContext.settings
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAssociationEndInstance<GUIItemSetting> GUIItemSetting.subsettings
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAssociationEndInstance<GUIItemSetting> GUIItemSetting.supersetting
          Deprecated. Not for public use.

Methods in that return GUIItemSetting
 GUIItemSetting GUIMultitypingFeature.getOwnedSetting(rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement el)
          Deprecated. Returns the owned GUIItemSetting that best matches the given element or null if such does not exist.
 GUIItemSetting GUIContext.getOwnedSetting(rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement el)
          Returns the owned GUIItemSetting that best matches the given element.
 GUIItemSetting GUIContext.getSetting(rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement el)
          Returns the owned GUIItemSetting that best matches the given element, or if such does not exist, it returns GUIItemSetting inherited from the super-context(s).

Methods in that return types with arguments of type GUIItemSetting
 java.util.List<GUIItemSetting> GUIMultitypingFeature.getSettings()
          Deprecated. Returns the collection of owned settings.
 java.util.List<GUIItemSetting> GUIItemSetting.getSettings()
          Returns the collection of sub-settings.
 java.util.List<GUIItemSetting> GUIContext.getSettings()
          Returns the collection of all owned settings.

Methods in with parameters of type GUIItemSetting
 void GUIMultitypingFeature.addSetting(GUIItemSetting s)
          Deprecated. Adds a setting to a collection of owned settings.
 void GUIItemSetting.addSetting(GUIItemSetting s)
          Adds a setting to a collection of sub-settings.
 void GUIContext.addSetting(GUIItemSetting s)
          Add the new stting to this context.
static GUIBindingsFeature GUIBindingsFeature.create(GUIItemSetting setting)
          Returns new GUIBindingsFeature and assigns it to the provided owner setting.
static GUIDateTimeTextFeature GUIDateTimeTextFeature.create(GUIItemSetting setting, GUIDateTimeFormat f, java.lang.String pattern)
          Returns new GUIDateTimeTextFeature for the specified setting, date time format, and custom pattern.
static GUINumberTextFeature GUINumberTextFeature.create(GUIItemSetting setting, GUINumberFormat f, java.lang.String pattern)
          Returns new GUINumberTextFeature with the specified format and pattern and assigns it to the specified setting.
static GUICommandsFeature GUICommandsFeature.create(GUIItemSetting setting, java.util.List<rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.commands.Command> commands)
          Returns new GUICommandsFeature for specified commands and assigns it to the specified setting.
static GUIDefaultTextFeature GUIDefaultTextFeature.create(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String name)
          Returns new GUIDefaultTextFeature with the specified name and assigns it to the specified setting.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.create(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String s, boolean isFixed)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createDescription(GUIItemSetting setting, IProperty property)
          Returns new GUITextFeature that specifies the property from which the description of all elements affected by the specified setting will be fetched.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createDescription(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String attrName)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createDescription(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String s, boolean isFixed)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createDescriptionFromType(GUIItemSetting setting)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createFixedDescription(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String fixedDescr)
          Returns new GUITextFeature that specifies fixed description for elements that are covered with specified setting.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createFixedName(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String fixedName)
          Returns new GUITextFeature that specifies fixed name for elements that are covered with specified setting.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createFixedSeparator(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String fixedSeparator)
          Returns new GUITextFeature that specifies fixed separator for elements that are covered with specified setting.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createFixedTooltip(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String fixedTooltip)
          Returns new GUITextFeature that specifies fixed tooltip for elements that are covered with specified setting.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createFromType(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createName(GUIItemSetting setting, IProperty property)
          Returns new GUITextFeature that specifies the property from which the name of all elements affected by the specified setting will be fetched.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createName(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String attrName)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createName(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String s, boolean isFixed)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createNameFromType(GUIItemSetting setting)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createSeparator(GUIItemSetting setting, IProperty property)
          Returns new GUITextFeature that specifies the property from which the separator of all elements affected by the specified setting will be fetched.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createSeparator(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String attrName)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createSeparator(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String s, boolean isFixed)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createSeparatorFromType(GUIItemSetting setting)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUIPictureFeature GUIPictureFeature.createSmallIcon(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String s)
          Returns new GUIPictureFeature with the specified URL or attribute name and assigns it to the given setting.
static GUIDefaultNavigatorFeature GUIDefaultNavigatorFeature.createSubnodes(GUIItemSetting setting)
          Returns new GUIDefaultNavigatorFeature and assigns it to the specified setting.
static GUINavigatorFeature GUINavigatorFeature.createSubnodes(GUIItemSetting setting, boolean returnsSlots, IProperty... properties)
          Returns new GUINavigatorFeature for the given properties and assigns it to the given setting.
static GUINavigatorFeature GUINavigatorFeature.createSubnodes(GUIItemSetting setting, boolean returnsSlots, java.lang.String... propertyNames)
          Returns new GUINavigatorFeature for the given property names and assigns it to the given setting.
static GUINavigatorFeature GUINavigatorFeature.createSubnodes(GUIItemSetting setting, IProperty property)
          Returns new GUINavigatorFeature for the given property and assigns it to the given setting.
static GUINavigatorFeature GUINavigatorFeature.createSubnodes(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String propertyName)
          Returns new GUINavigatorFeature for the given property name and assigns it to the given setting.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createTooltip(GUIItemSetting setting, IProperty property)
          Returns new GUITextFeature that specifies the property from which the tooltip of all elements affected by the specified setting will be fetched.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createTooltip(GUIItemSetting setting, java.lang.String s, boolean isFixed)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static GUITextFeature GUITextFeature.createTooltipFromType(GUIItemSetting setting)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 void GUIMultitypingFeature.removeSetting(GUIItemSetting s)
          Deprecated. Removes a setting from a collection of owned settings.
 void GUIItemSetting.removeSetting(GUIItemSetting s)
          Removes a setting from a collection of sub-settings.
 void GUIContext.removeSetting(GUIItemSetting s)
          Removes given setting from this context.