====== Logging in SOLoist projects ======
log4j library is used as a logging utility for SOLoist projects. log4j.jar file is placed in war/lib folder in EmptyProject. You can always download the latest version of log4j from [[http://logging.apache.org/log4j/|Apache log4j Website]].
===== log4j Configuration =====
To configure log4j for SOLoist project you have to change log4j.xml file. log4j.xml is part of EmptyProject. You have to set path to log file on your file system and logging level. More about configuration of log4j.xml you can read on [[http://wiki.apache.org/logging-log4j/Log4jXmlFormat|Apache Logging Wiki]].
In param tag for attribute value set log file's path on the file system.
== On Windows ==
== On Linux ==
===== Complete log4j.xml Example =====
Below is the complete log4j.xml from the Empty Project.