Uses of Class

Packages that use GUINonVisualComponent
rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments Provides classes that capture widgets' layout specification. 

Uses of GUINonVisualComponent in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments

Subclasses of GUINonVisualComponent in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments
 class GUIAndGate
          An invisible widget that performs logical AND operation on Boolean values currently on this widget's input pins a (GUIAndGate.ipA() method) and b (GUIAndGate.ipB() method).
 class GUIBooleanFilter
          A type of filtering widget with a filtering condition that is meant to determine whether the value on input input pin (ipInput() method) is TRUE or FALSE.
 class GUIBufferComponent
          An invisible widget that buffers value(s) received on input input pin (GUIBufferComponent.ipInput() method).
 class GUIClassInstancesSAPComponent
          An abstract base class for service access point components that fetch instances typed with the same class.
 class GUICollectionFilter
          An invisible widget that filters values from the collection.
 class GUIComparationFilter
          A type of filtering widget with a filtering condition that is meant to determine whether the value on input input pin (ipInput() method) is equal to the value specified in this widget (GUIComparationFilter.setComparedWith(IClassifierInstance) method).
 class GUIConformsToFilter
          A type of filtering widget with a filtering condition that is meant to determine whether the value on input input pin (ipInput() method) conforms to (is instance of) the type (class) specified in this widget (GUIConformsToFilter.setType(IClassifier)).
 class GUIFilterComponent
          An abstract base class for all invisible widgets that perform different types of filtering of values on input input pin (GUIFilterComponent.ipInput() method).
 class GUIFindAllInstancesSAPComponent
          An invisible widget that fetches all objects (of a class set by GUIClassInstancesSAPComponent.setClassFQName(String) method).
 class GUIFindSingleInstanceSAPComponent
          An invisible widget that fetches an object (of a class set by GUIClassInstancesSAPComponent.setClassFQName(String) method) which has a value on its slot (defined by GUIFindSingleInstanceSAPComponent.setPropertyName(String) method) equal to the value specified in this widget (by GUIFindSingleInstanceSAPComponent.setEqualToValue(IClassifierInstance)).
 class GUIGetElementAt
          An invisible widget that extracts an element at the specified index provided on the index input pin (GUIGetElementAt.ipIndex() method) from the collection provided on the input input pin (GUIGetElementAt.ipInput() method), and directs it to the output output pin (GUIGetElementAt.opOutput() method).
 class GUIIndexOfElement
          An invisible widget that puts the index of the element provided on the element input pin (GUIIndexOfElement.ipElement() method) in the collection provided on the input input pin (GUIIndexOfElement.ipInput()), to the output output pin (GUIIndexOfElement.opOutput() method).
 class GUILogicGateComponent
          An abstract base class for all invisible widgets that perform logic operations, such as AND, OR, and NOT.
 class GUIMultiplicityFilter
          A type of filtering widget with a filtering condition that is meant to determine whether the number of values on input input pin (ipInput() method) conform to multiplicity conditions specified in this widget (GUIMultiplicityFilter.setLowerBound(int) method and GUIMultiplicityFilter.setUpperBound(int) method).
 class GUINotGate
          An invisible widget that performs logical NOT operation on Boolean value currently on this widget's input pin input (GUINotGate.ipInput() method).
 class GUINullFilter
          A type of filtering widget with a filtering condition that is meant to determine whether the value on input input pin (ipInput() method) is null or not.
 class GUIOrGate
          An invisible widget that performs logical OR operation on Boolean values currently on this widget's input pins a (GUIOrGate.ipA() method) and b (GUIOrGate.ipB() method).
 class GUIRelayComponent
          An invisible widget that accepts the value(s) on its relay input pin (GUIRelayComponent.ipRelay() method) and immediately forwards it/them to the relay output pin (GUIRelayComponent.opRelay() method).
 class GUIServiceAccessPointComponent
          An abstract base class for all invisible widgets that serve to access domain object space and fetch domain objects.
 class GUISlotListenerComponent
          An invisible widget that accepts an object on element input pin (GUISlotListenerComponent.ipElement() method), and provides objects linked over the slot for property set by calling GUISlotListenerComponent.setPropertyFQName(String) method, on its value output pin (GUISlotListenerComponent.opValue() method).
 class GUITransformerComponent
          An invisible widget that accepts an object on input input pin (GUITransformerComponent.ipInput() method) and performs a transformation (depending on a type of transformer object set by calling GUITransformerComponent.setTransformer(Transformer) method), to other objects that are provided on ouput output pin (GUITransformerComponent.opOutput() method) after transformation.