Package rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection

Provides classes that capture UML reflection elements.


Interface Summary
IAssociation An association in the UML model.
IAssociationClass An assocaition class in the UML model.
IClass A class in the UML model.
IClassifier Abstract generalization of classifiers.
IDataType An abstract data type in the UML model.
IEnumeration An enumeration in the UML model.
IEnumerationLiteral An enumeration literal of an Enumeration.
IFeature Abstarct generalization of classifier features.
IMElement Abstract generalization of an element of the UML model, having runtime semantics.
IMultiplicityElement Abstract generalization of multiplicity elements.
INamedElement Abstract generalization of named elements.
INamespace Abstract generalization of namespaces.
IPackage A package in the UML model.
IPackageableElement Abstract generalization of elements in the UML model that can be directly owned by Packages.
IPrimitiveType A primitive type in the UML model.
IProperty A property of a Classifier.
IRelationship Abstract generalization of relationships in the UML model, having runtime semantics.
IStructuralFeature Abstract generalization of structural features of Classifiers.
IType A type in the UML model.
ITypedElement Abstract generalization of typed elements.

Class Summary
NamespaceFacade Class utility for static operations belonging to INamespace.

Enum Summary
VisibilityKind Visibility of Named Elements.

Package rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection Description

Provides classes that capture UML reflection elements.