Interface IAssociationEndInstance<T extends IClassInstance>

All Superinterfaces:
rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement, IRTElement, ISlot<T>

public interface IAssociationEndInstance<T extends IClassInstance>
extends ISlot<T>

An an instance of a Property that is an association end.

Method Summary
 IClassInstance getOwnerInstance()
          Returns the Classifier Instance that owns this Slot.
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
add, addAt, addFirst, addLast, at, canAccept, clear, conformsTo, copy, count, first, getAssociation, getClassifier, getFQName, getLowerBound, getOpposite, getProperty, getType, getTypeFQName, getTypeUQName, getUMLClass, getUpperBound, getUQName, getVisibility, includesCardinality, isAssociationEnd, isAttributeValue, isComposite, isDerived, isDerivedUnion, isLimited, isMultiValued, isOrdered, isPropagatedDeletion, isReadOnly, isSingleValued, isStatic, isUnique, isUnlimited, last, read, remove, removeAt, removeFirst, removeLast, removeOne, reorder, replace, set, set, size, val
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IRTElement
getMElement, hasIdentity
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement
accept, accept, isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement

Method Detail


IClassInstance getOwnerInstance()
Description copied from interface: ISlot
Returns the Classifier Instance that owns this Slot.

Specified by:
getOwnerInstance in interface ISlot<T extends IClassInstance>