Class TableLayout

  extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassifierInstance
      extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassInstance
          extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.javaimpl.runtime.SOLoistClassInstance
              extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.common.ObjectOfClass
                  extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.Layout
                      extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.CellLayout
                          extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableLayout
All Implemented Interfaces:
rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement, IClassifierInstance, IClassInstance, IRTElement

public class TableLayout
extends CellLayout

An object meant to be assigned to a panel to give it tabular spatial arrangement for its children. In that case, a children shoud have a TableLayoutData object assigned for additional child-specific layout adjustments like the row and column index, row span and column span.

Table layouts should be used in the following way:

 TableLayout tLayout = new TableLayout();
 GUIPanelComponent table = GUIPanelComponent.create(parent, tLayout);
Or shortly using a general factory method:
 TableLayout tLayout = TableLayout.create(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, VerticalAlignment.MIDDLE);
 GUIPanelComponent table = GUIPanelComponent.create(parent, tLayout);
Or even shorter if alignment is not important using specific factory method:
 GUIPanelComponent table = GUIPanelComponent.createTable(parent);

If row- or column-specific layout adjustments like alignment or CSS style are needed, TableRowData and TableColumnData should be used.

SOL Expert Group
See Also:
CellLayout, Layout

Nested Class Summary
static class TableLayout.FQPropertyNames
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static class TableLayout.PROPERTIES
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Field Summary
static IClass CLASSIFIER
          UML class reference
 IAssociationEndInstance<TableColumnData> columnDatas
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Integer> columns
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static java.lang.String FQ_TYPE_NAME
          Fully qualified UML class name
 IAttributeValue<Boolean> isFixed
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Integer> padding
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAssociationEndInstance<TableRowData> rowDatas
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Integer> rows
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Fields inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.CellLayout
horizontalAlignment, spacing, verticalAlignment
Constructor Summary
TableLayout(int rows, int columns)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Method Summary
 void addColumnData(TableColumnData tcd)
          Adds additional column data information.
 void addRowData(TableRowData trd)
          Adds additional row data information.
 void clearColumnData()
          Clears all additional column data information.
 void clearRowData()
          Clears all additional row data information.
 void constructor()
          The domain-specific constructor of the Classifier.
 void constructor(int rows, int columns)
          Performs an initialization for this object.
static TableLayout create(HorizontalAlignment ha, VerticalAlignment va)
          Returns new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout with exact horizontal and vertical alignment for the widgets in a panel that will have that object assigned to.
static TableLayout create(HorizontalAlignment ha, VerticalAlignment va, java.lang.String... widths)
          Returns new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout with exact horizontal and vertical alignment and with exact column widths for the widgets in a panel that will have that object assigned to.
static TableLayout create(int rows, int columns)
          Returns new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout with exact number of rows and columns for the widgets in a panel that will have that object assigned to.
static TableLayout create(java.lang.String... widths)
          Returns new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout with exact column widths for the widgets in a panel that will have that object assigned to. createSpecificInfo()
          Creates and returns an empty serializable object of the appropriate LayoutInfo sub-class.
 void fillInfo( info_)
          Fills-in already created LayoutInfo object with values of properties of this object.
 TableColumnData getColumnData(int index)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 int getColumnsNumber()
          Returns the column number of this layout.
 boolean getFixed()
          Returns whether this layout is fixed in terms of number of rows and columns.
 IClass getLayoutDataClass()
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 int getPadding()
          Returns the padding in this layout.
 int getRowsNumber()
          Returns the row number of this layout.
 void removeColumnData(TableColumnData tcd)
          Removes additional column data information.
 void removeRowData(TableRowData trd)
          Removes additional row data information.
 void setColumnsNumber(int columns)
          Sets the number of columns of this table layout and sets this layout to be fixed.
 void setFixed(boolean fixed)
          Sets this layout to be fixed in terms of number of rows and columns.
 void setPadding(int padding)
          Sets the padding of this table layout.
 void setRowsNumber(int rows)
          Sets the number of rows of this table layout and sets this layout to be fixed.
 void validate()
          Validates a configuration settings of this object.
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.CellLayout
getHorizontalAlignment, getSpacing, getVerticalAlignment, setHorizontalAlignment, setSpacing, setVerticalAlignment
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.Layout
createInfo, createLayoutData, validate, validate
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.common.ObjectOfClass
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.javaimpl.runtime.SOLoistClassInstance
destroy, equals, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstances, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValues, getMyClass, getMyID, getSlot, getSlot, getSlots, getUMLClass, hashCode, isMarkedAsDeleted, toString
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassInstance
accept, accept, exists, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstance, getClassifier, hasIdentity, isClassInstance, isDataTypeInstance, isEqualTo, makeClone, markAsDeleted
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassifierInstance
conformsTo, copySlots, copySlots, destructor, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getClassifierFQName, getClassifierUQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizer, getFirstCommonGeneralizerFQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizerUQName, getMElement, getSlot, getSlot, isDirectInstanceOf, isDirectInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
conformsTo, copySlots, copySlots, destructor, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getClassifierFQName, getClassifierUQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizer, getFirstCommonGeneralizerFQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizerUQName, getSlot, getSlot, isDirectInstanceOf, isDirectInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IRTElement
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement
isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement

Field Detail


public IAttributeValue<Boolean> isFixed
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Integer> rows
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Integer> columns
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Integer> padding
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public static final java.lang.String FQ_TYPE_NAME
Fully qualified UML class name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final IClass CLASSIFIER
UML class reference


public IAssociationEndInstance<TableColumnData> columnDatas
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAssociationEndInstance<TableRowData> rowDatas
Deprecated. Not for public use.
Constructor Detail


public TableLayout()


public TableLayout(int rows,
                              int columns)
Deprecated. Not for public use.

Method Detail


public void constructor()
Description copied from interface: IClassifierInstance
The domain-specific constructor of the Classifier.

Specified by:
constructor in interface IClassifierInstance
constructor in class CellLayout


public void constructor(int rows,
                        int columns)
Performs an initialization for this object. It is internally called during the construction.

rows - the number of rows in the table
columns - the number of rows in the table


public void validate()
Description copied from class: Layout
Validates a configuration settings of this object.

validate in class Layout


public IClass getLayoutDataClass()
Deprecated. Not for public use.

Description copied from class: Layout
Returns the Class of layout data appropriate for this layout. It may return null if no layout data is needed.

Specified by:
getLayoutDataClass in class Layout


public createSpecificInfo()
Description copied from class: Layout
Creates and returns an empty serializable object of the appropriate LayoutInfo sub-class. The returned object must be able to transmit every property of objects of this class from server to clients (browsers).

Specified by:
createSpecificInfo in class Layout
a LayoutInfo sub-class instance


public void fillInfo( info_)
Description copied from class: Layout
Fills-in already created LayoutInfo object with values of properties of this object.

fillInfo in class CellLayout
info_ - a LayoutInfo sub-class object to be filled-in
See Also:


public static TableLayout create(int rows,
                                 int columns)
Returns new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout with exact number of rows and columns for the widgets in a panel that will have that object assigned to.

rows - the number of rows in a table
columns - the number of columns in a table
new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout for the widgets


public static TableLayout create(HorizontalAlignment ha,
                                 VerticalAlignment va)
Returns new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout with exact horizontal and vertical alignment for the widgets in a panel that will have that object assigned to.

ha - the horizontal alignment of the widgets
va - the vertical alignment of the widgets
new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout for the widgets


public static TableLayout create(java.lang.String... widths)
Returns new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout with exact column widths for the widgets in a panel that will have that object assigned to.

widths - an array of column widths
new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout for the widgets


public static TableLayout create(HorizontalAlignment ha,
                                 VerticalAlignment va,
                                 java.lang.String... widths)
Returns new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout with exact horizontal and vertical alignment and with exact column widths for the widgets in a panel that will have that object assigned to.

ha - the horizontal alignment of the widgets
va - the vertical alignment of the widgets
widths - an array of column widths
new TableLayout object that specifies tabular layout for the widgets


public void setFixed(boolean fixed)
Sets this layout to be fixed in terms of number of rows and columns.

fixed - the boolean that tells whether this layout should be fixed in terms of number of rows and columns


public void setRowsNumber(int rows)
Sets the number of rows of this table layout and sets this layout to be fixed.

rows - the number of rows
See Also:


public void setColumnsNumber(int columns)
Sets the number of columns of this table layout and sets this layout to be fixed.

columns - the number of columns
See Also:


public void setPadding(int padding)
Sets the padding of this table layout.

padding - the padding amount


public boolean getFixed()
Returns whether this layout is fixed in terms of number of rows and columns.

whether this layout is fixed in terms of number of rows and columns


public int getRowsNumber()
Returns the row number of this layout. This is relevant only if this layout is fixed.

the row number


public int getColumnsNumber()
Returns the column number of this layout. This is relevant only if this layout is fixed.

the column number


public int getPadding()
Returns the padding in this layout.

the padding amount in this layout


public void addRowData(TableRowData trd)
Adds additional row data information.

trd - the row data information to be added


public void removeRowData(TableRowData trd)
Removes additional row data information.

trd - the row data information to be removed


public void clearRowData()
Clears all additional row data information.


public void addColumnData(TableColumnData tcd)
Adds additional column data information.

tcd - the column data information to be added


public void removeColumnData(TableColumnData tcd)
Removes additional column data information.

tcd - the column data information to be removed


public void clearColumnData()
Clears all additional column data information.


public TableColumnData getColumnData(int index)
Deprecated. Not for public use.