Class GUIDisclosurePanel

  extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassifierInstance
      extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassInstance
          extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.javaimpl.runtime.SOLoistClassInstance
              extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.common.ObjectOfClass
                  extended by
                      extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
                          extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDisclosurePanel
All Implemented Interfaces:
IElementPresentationProvider, IUpdatable, rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement, IClassifierInstance, IClassInstance, IRTElement

public class GUIDisclosurePanel
extends GUIContainerComponent

A container widget that displays/hides its content depending on a clickable header. This widget strictly has one child which is typically a panel to which all other widgets must be added.

In the run-time, visiblity of the content can be also controlled by binding boolean value providing output pins to this widget's open input pin ( ipOpen() method).

The code sample that creates this widget, specifies the header, and creates its child panel is shown bellow:

 GUIDisclosurePanel disc = GUIDisclosurePanel.create(parent, "Additional details");
 GUIPanelComponent rootPanel = GUIPanelComponent.createFlow(disc);

SOL Expert Group

Nested Class Summary
static class GUIDisclosurePanel.FQPropertyNames
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static class GUIDisclosurePanel.PROPERTIES
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Field Summary
 IAttributeValue<Text> appendWhenClosed
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Text> appendWhenOpen
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static IClass CLASSIFIER
          UML class reference
static java.lang.String FQ_TYPE_NAME
          Fully qualified UML class name
 IAttributeValue<Text> headerText
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Boolean> open
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Fields inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
back, children, forward, input, logger, next, output, previous, refresh, reset, submit, visibleChild
Fields inherited from class
addStyle, context, description, enabled, init, inputBindings, layoutData, name, outputBindings, ownerTable, parent, removeStyle, show, showInParent, styleName, tooltip, visible
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void constructor()
          The domain-specific constructor of the Classifier.
static GUIDisclosurePanel create(GUIContainerComponent parent, java.lang.String text)
          Returns new GUIDisclosurePanel with the given text (label) and assigns it to the given parent.
static GUIDisclosurePanel create(GUIContainerComponent parent, java.lang.String text, LayoutData layoutData)
          Returns new GUIDisclosurePanel with the given text (label), places it in the parent's layout according to the given LayoutData, and assigns it to the given parent. createSpecificInfo()
          Creates and returns an empty serializable object of the appropriate ComponentInfo sub-class.
 java.lang.String getAppendWhenClose()
          Returns the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is closed.
 java.lang.String getAppendWhenOpen()
          Returns the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is opened.
 java.lang.String getHeaderText()
          Returns the header text (label) of this widget.
 ISlot<?> ipOpen()
          Returns the open input pin; when event occurs, the Boolean value from the binding message content will be used to specify whether this panel should open (true) or close (false) its sub-tree (that is, its content).
 ISlot<?> opOpen()
          Returns the open output pin; each time user clicks on the header of this panel and opens / closes it, the Boolean value ( true for open state, false for closed) will be provided on this pin.
 void setAppendWhenClose(java.lang.String appendWhenClosed)
          Sets the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is closed.
 void setAppendWhenOpen(java.lang.String appendWhenOpen)
          Sets the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is opened.
 void setHeaderText(java.lang.String headerText)
          Sets the header text (label) of this widget.
 void validate()
          Validates a configuration settings of this widget.
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
add, addFirst, clear, get, getVisibleChild, ipBack, ipForward, ipNext, ipPrevious, ipRefresh, ipRelay1, ipRelay2, ipReset, ipSubmit, ipVisibleChild, opRelay1, opRelay2, opVisibleChild, remove, removeFirst, setVisibleChild, validateSingleChild
Methods inherited from class
addStyleNames, addValueToSlot, clearSlot, clone, createInfo, createInfoAlreadyValidated, destructor, fillElementInfo, getApplication, getCommands, getCommands, getCommonOwner, getContext, getDescription, getDescrString, getDragIcon, getEnabled, getFeature, getFeature, getInputBindings, getInputPin, getInputPins, getLabelString, getLargeIcon, getLayoutData, getName, getNameString, getOutputPin, getOutputPins, getOwner, getParts, getSetting, getSmallIcon, getStyle, getSubnodes, getTooltip, getTooltipString, getTypeString, getVisible, handle, ipAddStyle, ipEnabled, ipInit, ipRemoveStyle, ipShow, ipShowInParent, ipVisible, isInputPin, isOutputPin, putFeatureInfo, readElement, readElements, readSlot, readSlotAsInfo, readSubnodes, removeValueFromSlot, setCellAlignment, setCellSize, setCellStyle, setCenter, setContext, setDescription, setDirectionAndSize, setEnabled, setLayoutData, setLeftRightWidth, setName, setRowColumn, setRowColumn, setSize, setSlot, setSlot, setStyle, setTooltip, setTopBottomHeight, setVisible, setXY, toTranslateDescriptors, translatePinName, updateInfo, validateParts, validateParts
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.javaimpl.runtime.SOLoistClassInstance
destroy, equals, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstances, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValues, getMyClass, getMyID, getSlot, getSlot, getSlots, getUMLClass, hashCode, isMarkedAsDeleted, toString
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassInstance
accept, accept, exists, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstance, getClassifier, hasIdentity, isClassInstance, isDataTypeInstance, isEqualTo, makeClone, markAsDeleted
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassifierInstance
conformsTo, copySlots, copySlots, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getClassifierFQName, getClassifierUQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizer, getFirstCommonGeneralizerFQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizerUQName, getMElement, getSlot, getSlot, isDirectInstanceOf, isDirectInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
conformsTo, copySlots, copySlots, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getClassifierFQName, getClassifierUQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizer, getFirstCommonGeneralizerFQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizerUQName, getSlot, getSlot, isDirectInstanceOf, isDirectInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IRTElement
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement
isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement

Field Detail


public IAttributeValue<Text> headerText
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> appendWhenOpen
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> appendWhenClosed
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Boolean> open
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public static final java.lang.String FQ_TYPE_NAME
Fully qualified UML class name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final IClass CLASSIFIER
UML class reference

Constructor Detail


public GUIDisclosurePanel()
Method Detail


public void constructor()
Description copied from interface: IClassifierInstance
The domain-specific constructor of the Classifier.

Specified by:
constructor in interface IClassifierInstance
constructor in class GUIContainerComponent


public void validate()
Description copied from class: GUIComponent
Validates a configuration settings of this widget.

validate in class GUIContainerComponent


public createSpecificInfo()
Description copied from class: GUIComponent
Creates and returns an empty serializable object of the appropriate ComponentInfo sub-class. The returned object must be able to transmit every property of objects of this class from server to clients (browsers).

a ComponentInfo sub-class instance


public static GUIDisclosurePanel create(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                        java.lang.String text)
Returns new GUIDisclosurePanel with the given text (label) and assigns it to the given parent.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
text - the panels's text or label
new GUIDisclosurePanel


public static GUIDisclosurePanel create(GUIContainerComponent parent,
                                        java.lang.String text,
                                        LayoutData layoutData)
Returns new GUIDisclosurePanel with the given text (label), places it in the parent's layout according to the given LayoutData, and assigns it to the given parent.

parent - the parent GUIContainerComponent widget
text - the panel's text or label
layoutData - the layout data of the new panel
new GUIDisclosurePanel


public ISlot<?> ipOpen()
Returns the open input pin; when event occurs, the Boolean value from the binding message content will be used to specify whether this panel should open (true) or close (false) its sub-tree (that is, its content).

the open input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opOpen()
Returns the open output pin; each time user clicks on the header of this panel and opens / closes it, the Boolean value ( true for open state, false for closed) will be provided on this pin.

the open output pin
See Also:


public java.lang.String getHeaderText()
Returns the header text (label) of this widget.

the header text (label) of this widget
See Also:


public void setHeaderText(java.lang.String headerText)
Sets the header text (label) of this widget.

headerText - the header text (label) of this widget


public java.lang.String getAppendWhenOpen()
Returns the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is opened.

the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is opened
See Also:


public void setAppendWhenOpen(java.lang.String appendWhenOpen)
Sets the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is opened.

appendWhenOpen - the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is opened


public java.lang.String getAppendWhenClose()
Returns the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is closed.

the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is closed
See Also:


public void setAppendWhenClose(java.lang.String appendWhenClosed)
Sets the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is closed.

appendWhenClosed - the text which is appended to the header text of this widget when the panel is closed