Class GUIContainerComponent

  extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassifierInstance
      extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassInstance
          extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.javaimpl.runtime.SOLoistClassInstance
              extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.common.ObjectOfClass
                  extended by
                      extended by rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
All Implemented Interfaces:
IElementPresentationProvider, IUpdatable, rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement, IClassifierInstance, IClassInstance, IRTElement
Direct Known Subclasses:
GUIApplicationComponent, GUIDeckComponent, GUIDialogComponent, GUIDisclosurePanel, GUIDynamicContentsPanel, GUIPanelComponent, GUIScrollPanel, GUITabComponent

public abstract class GUIContainerComponent
extends GUIComponent

Abstract base class for different kinds of container GUI widgets.

SOL Expert Group
See Also:
GUIApplicationComponent, GUIDeckComponent, GUIDialogComponent, GUIDisclosurePanel, GUIDynamicContentsPanel, GUIPanelComponent, GUIScrollPanel, GUITabComponent

Nested Class Summary
static class GUIContainerComponent.FQPropertyNames
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static class GUIContainerComponent.PROPERTIES
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Field Summary
 IAttributeValue<Text> back
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAssociationEndInstance<GUIComponent> children
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static IClass CLASSIFIER
          UML class reference
 IAttributeValue<Text> forward
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static java.lang.String FQ_TYPE_NAME
          Fully qualified UML class name
 IAttributeValue<Text> input
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static org.apache.log4j.Logger logger
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Text> next
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Text> output
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Text> previous
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Text> refresh
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Text> reset
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Text> submit
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
 IAttributeValue<Integer> visibleChild
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Fields inherited from class
addStyle, context, description, enabled, init, inputBindings, layoutData, name, outputBindings, ownerTable, parent, removeStyle, show, showInParent, styleName, tooltip, visible
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void add(GUIComponent c)
          Adds a child widget to this widget.
 void addFirst(GUIComponent c)
          Adds a child widget to this widget on the first place (zero index).
 void clear()
          Clears all child widgets from this widget.
 void constructor()
          The domain-specific constructor of the Classifier.
 GUIComponent get(int at)
          Returns the child widget with the given index.
 int getVisibleChild()
          Returns initially visible child index of this widget.
 ISlot<?> ipBack()
          Returns the back input pin; when event occurs, the child of this widget that was visible before currently visible child will get visible (only if this widget supports it).
 ISlot<?> ipForward()
          Returns the forward input pin; when event occurs, the child of this widget that was visible after currently visible child will get visible (only if this widget supports it).
 ISlot<?> ipNext()
          Returns the next input pin; when event occurs, if the child with the index i is currently visible, then the child with the index i + 1 will get visible ( only if this widget supports it).
 ISlot<?> ipPrevious()
          Returns the previous input pin; when event occurs, if the child with the index i is currently visible, then the child with the index i - 1 will get visible ( only if this widget supports it).
 ISlot<?> ipRefresh()
          Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIEdit type to the refresh input pin (ipRefresh() method).
 ISlot<?> ipRelay1()
          Returns the relay1 input pin; when event occurs, the content of the binding message is immediately forwarded to the relay1 output pin (opRelay1() method).
 ISlot<?> ipRelay2()
          Returns the relay2 input pin; when event occurs, the content of the binding message is immediately forwarded to the relay2 output pin (opRelay2() method).
 ISlot<?> ipReset()
          Returns the reset input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIInput type to the reset input pin (ipReset() method).
 ISlot<?> ipSubmit()
          Returns the submit input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIEdit type to the submit input pin (ipSubmit() method).
 ISlot<?> ipVisibleChild()
          Returns the visibleChild input pin; when event occurs, the integer content of the binding message will be use to define the index of the next visible child of this widget (only if this widget supports it).
 ISlot<?> opRelay1()
          Returns the relay1 output pin; when event arrives on the relay1 input pin (ipRelay1() method) the binding message content is immediately forwarded to this pin.
 ISlot<?> opRelay2()
          Returns the relay2 output pin; when event arrives on the relay2 input pin (ipRelay2() method) the binding message content is immediately forwarded to this pin.
 ISlot<?> opVisibleChild()
          Returns the visibleChild output pin; each time visible child of this widget changes, the binding message with the index of that child is provided on this pin.
 void remove(GUIComponent c)
          Removes a child widget from this widget.
 void removeFirst()
          Removes a child widget from this widget's first place (zero index).
 void setVisibleChild(int visibleChildIndex)
          Sets initially visible child index of this widget.
 void validate()
          Validates a configuration settings of this widget.
 void validateSingleChild()
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
Methods inherited from class
addStyleNames, addValueToSlot, clearSlot, clone, createInfo, createInfoAlreadyValidated, destructor, fillElementInfo, getApplication, getCommands, getCommands, getCommonOwner, getContext, getDescription, getDescrString, getDragIcon, getEnabled, getFeature, getFeature, getInputBindings, getInputPin, getInputPins, getLabelString, getLargeIcon, getLayoutData, getName, getNameString, getOutputPin, getOutputPins, getOwner, getParts, getSetting, getSmallIcon, getStyle, getSubnodes, getTooltip, getTooltipString, getTypeString, getVisible, handle, ipAddStyle, ipEnabled, ipInit, ipRemoveStyle, ipShow, ipShowInParent, ipVisible, isInputPin, isOutputPin, putFeatureInfo, readElement, readElements, readSlot, readSlotAsInfo, readSubnodes, removeValueFromSlot, setCellAlignment, setCellSize, setCellStyle, setCenter, setContext, setDescription, setDirectionAndSize, setEnabled, setLayoutData, setLeftRightWidth, setName, setRowColumn, setRowColumn, setSize, setSlot, setSlot, setStyle, setTooltip, setTopBottomHeight, setVisible, setXY, toTranslateDescriptors, translatePinName, updateInfo, validateParts, validateParts
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.javaimpl.runtime.SOLoistClassInstance
destroy, equals, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstances, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValues, getMyClass, getMyID, getSlot, getSlot, getSlots, getUMLClass, hashCode, isMarkedAsDeleted, toString
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassInstance
accept, accept, exists, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstance, getAssociationEndInstance, getClassifier, hasIdentity, isClassInstance, isDataTypeInstance, isEqualTo, makeClone, markAsDeleted
Methods inherited from class rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.commonimplementation.runtime._ClassifierInstance
conformsTo, copySlots, copySlots, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getClassifierFQName, getClassifierUQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizer, getFirstCommonGeneralizerFQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizerUQName, getMElement, getSlot, getSlot, isDirectInstanceOf, isDirectInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
conformsTo, copySlots, copySlots, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getClassifierFQName, getClassifierUQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizer, getFirstCommonGeneralizerFQName, getFirstCommonGeneralizerUQName, getSlot, getSlot, isDirectInstanceOf, isDirectInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IRTElement
Methods inherited from interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement
isKindOf, isModelElement, isRTElement

Field Detail


public IAttributeValue<Text> input
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> output
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> previous
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> next
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> back
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> forward
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Integer> visibleChild
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> submit
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> refresh
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public IAttributeValue<Text> reset
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public static final java.lang.String FQ_TYPE_NAME
Fully qualified UML class name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final IClass CLASSIFIER
UML class reference


public IAssociationEndInstance<GUIComponent> children
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public static final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger
Deprecated. Not for public use.
Constructor Detail


public GUIContainerComponent()
Method Detail


public void constructor()
Description copied from interface: IClassifierInstance
The domain-specific constructor of the Classifier.

Specified by:
constructor in interface IClassifierInstance
constructor in class GUIComponent


public void validate()
Description copied from class: GUIComponent
Validates a configuration settings of this widget.

validate in class GUIComponent


public void validateSingleChild()
Deprecated. Not for public use.


public ISlot<?> ipRelay1()
Returns the relay1 input pin; when event occurs, the content of the binding message is immediately forwarded to the relay1 output pin (opRelay1() method).

the relay1 input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipRelay2()
Returns the relay2 input pin; when event occurs, the content of the binding message is immediately forwarded to the relay2 output pin (opRelay2() method).

the relay2 input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipPrevious()
Returns the previous input pin; when event occurs, if the child with the index i is currently visible, then the child with the index i - 1 will get visible ( only if this widget supports it).

The content of the binding message accepted on this pin is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

the previous input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipNext()
Returns the next input pin; when event occurs, if the child with the index i is currently visible, then the child with the index i + 1 will get visible ( only if this widget supports it).

The content of the binding message accepted on this pin is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

the next input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipBack()
Returns the back input pin; when event occurs, the child of this widget that was visible before currently visible child will get visible (only if this widget supports it).

The content of the binding message accepted on this pin is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

the back input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipForward()
Returns the forward input pin; when event occurs, the child of this widget that was visible after currently visible child will get visible (only if this widget supports it).

The content of the binding message accepted on this pin is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

the forward input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipVisibleChild()
Returns the visibleChild input pin; when event occurs, the integer content of the binding message will be use to define the index of the next visible child of this widget (only if this widget supports it).

the visibleChild input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipSubmit()
Returns the submit input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIEdit type to the submit input pin (ipSubmit() method).

The content of the binding message accepted on this pin is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

the submit input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipRefresh()
Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIEdit type to the refresh input pin (ipRefresh() method).

The content of the binding message accepted on this pin is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

the refresh input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> ipReset()
Returns the reset input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIInput type to the reset input pin (ipReset() method).

The content of the binding message accepted on this pin is of no importance. Only event is what matters.

the reset input pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opVisibleChild()
Returns the visibleChild output pin; each time visible child of this widget changes, the binding message with the index of that child is provided on this pin.

the visibleChild output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opRelay1()
Returns the relay1 output pin; when event arrives on the relay1 input pin (ipRelay1() method) the binding message content is immediately forwarded to this pin.

the relay1 output pin
See Also:


public ISlot<?> opRelay2()
Returns the relay2 output pin; when event arrives on the relay2 input pin (ipRelay2() method) the binding message content is immediately forwarded to this pin.

the relay2 output pin
See Also:


public int getVisibleChild()
Returns initially visible child index of this widget.

initially visible child index of this widget
See Also:


public void setVisibleChild(int visibleChildIndex)
Sets initially visible child index of this widget.

visibleChildIndex - initially visible child index of this widget


public void add(GUIComponent c)
Adds a child widget to this widget.

c - a widget to be added


public void addFirst(GUIComponent c)
Adds a child widget to this widget on the first place (zero index).

c - a widget to be added on the first place


public void remove(GUIComponent c)
Removes a child widget from this widget.

c - a widget to be removed


public void removeFirst()
Removes a child widget from this widget's first place (zero index).


public void clear()
Clears all child widgets from this widget.


public GUIComponent get(int at)
Returns the child widget with the given index.

at - the index of the widget to be returned.
the child widget with the given index