Package rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components

Provides GUI classes for tangible widgets like, label, button, link, menu, menu item, dialog, image, panel, tab, etc.


Interface Summary
GUISearchResultComponent.ISearch Generic search provider interface.

Class Summary
GUIApplicationComponent The root widget in a GUI tree.
GUIApplicationComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIApplicationComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIButtonComponent A standard push-button widget.
GUIButtonComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIButtonComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUICommandComponent Invisible widget used to trigger server-side actions.
GUICommandComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUICommandComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIContainerComponent Abstract base class for different kinds of container GUI widgets.
GUIContainerComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIContainerComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDeckComponent A container widget that displays only one of its child widgets at a time.
GUIDeckComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDeckComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDialogComponent A draggable popup panel (container) with a caption.
GUIDialogComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDialogComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDisclosurePanel A container widget that displays/hides its content depending on a clickable header.
GUIDisclosurePanel.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDisclosurePanel.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDynamicallyVisibleTabsComponent An abstract base class for tab widget class with a parameterized data-dependent variable collection of child widgets.
GUIDynamicallyVisibleTabsComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDynamicallyVisibleTabsComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDynamicContentsPanel An abstract base class for a panel class with a parameterized data-dependent variable collection of child widgets.
GUIDynamicContentsPanel.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIDynamicContentsPanel.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIHTMLComponent A widget that contains an arbitrary HTML.
GUIHTMLComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIHTMLComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIImageComponent A widget that displays an image.
GUIImageComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIImageComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUILabelComponent A widget that contains an arbitrary text.
GUILabelComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUILabelComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUILazyPanel A special type of panel with additional means for content loading management.
GUILazyPanel.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUILazyPanel.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUILinkComponent A widget that represents an anchor element.
GUILinkComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUILinkComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIMenuComponent A regular menu widget with an arbitrary number of menu items.
GUIMenuComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIMenuComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIMenuItemComponent A single entry in a menu.
GUIMenuItemComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIMenuItemComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIPanelComponent A widget that contains and lays out its child widgets.
GUIPanelComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIPanelComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIScrollPanel A container that wraps its content in a scrollable area.
GUIScrollPanel.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIScrollPanel.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUISearchPanelComponent A panel meant to be used as a container of widgets that collect serach parameter values.
GUISearchPanelComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUISearchPanelComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUISearchResultComponent A widget that renders a collection of tuples returned as the result of a search initiated by the user.
GUISearchResultComponent.ClassicSearch Classic search provider.
GUISearchResultComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUISearchResultComponent.OQLSearch Search based on OQL query.
GUISearchResultComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUISearchResultComponent.QueryBuilderSearch Search based on QueryBuilder.
GUISearchResultComponent.QueryDefinitionSearch Search based on QueryDefinition.
GUISearchResultComponent.QueryResultSearch Search based on IQueryResult.
GUIStatusBarComponent A widget that displays information about client-server connection status.
GUIStatusBarComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUIStatusBarComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUITabComponent A container widget that displays its child widgets in a tabbed layout.
GUITabComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUITabComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUITimerComponent A widget that displays and counts-down the time.
GUITimerComponent.FQPropertyNames Deprecated. Not for public use.
GUITimerComponent.PROPERTIES Deprecated. Not for public use.
PerformImmediately A class-enumeration that can be used to specify execution scenario of the GUICommandComponent and its subclasses.

Annotation Types Summary

Package rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components Description

Provides GUI classes for tangible widgets like, label, button, link, menu, menu item, dialog, image, panel, tab, etc.