Uses of Class

Packages that use Transformer
rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments Provides classes that capture widgets' layout specification. 

Uses of Transformer in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments

Subclasses of Transformer in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments
 class ToSlotTransformer
          A handler that transforms an object provided by the owner GUITransformerComponent to the ISlot that correspond to the property specified either by ToSlotTransformer.setPropertyFQName(String) method or during construction of this object using ToSlotTransformer.create(IProperty) method.
 class ToSlotValueByPropertyTransformer
          A handler that transforms an object provided by the owner GUITransformerComponent the same way as ToSlotValueTransformer do, except from the fact that this handler adds additional filtering based on the value on one of the object's properties.
 class ToSlotValueTransformer
          A handler that transforms an object provided by the owner GUITransformerComponent to the ClassifierInstance on the object's slot (specified by calling ToSlotValueTransformer.setPropertyFQName(String) method of this transformer or during construction of this transformer using factory ToSlotValueTransformer.create(IProperty) method).

Fields in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments with type parameters of type Transformer
 IAssociationEndInstance<Transformer> GUITransformerComponent.transformer
          Deprecated. Not for public use.

Methods in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments that return Transformer
 Transformer GUITransformerComponent.getTransformer()
          Returns the assigned transformer object that performs the transformation of elements.

Methods in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments with parameters of type Transformer
 void GUITransformerComponent.setTransformer(Transformer t)
          Sets the transformer object that performs the transformation of elements.
static GUITransformerComponent GUITransformerComponent.transform(GUIContainerComponent parent, Transformer transformer)
          Deprecated. Not for public use.
static rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement Transformer.transform(Transformer transformer, rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.IElement el)
          Transforms the given element based on the given transformer.