IAssociation - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
An association in the UML model.
IAssociationClass - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
An assocaition class in the UML model.
IAssociationEndInstance<T extends IClassInstance> - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
An an instance of a Property that is an association end.
IAttributeValue<T extends IClassifierInstance> - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
An attribute value, an instance of a Property that is an attribute.
IClass - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
A class in the UML model.
IClassifier - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of classifiers.
IClassifierInstance - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
Abstract generalization of instances of Classifiers that live at runtime in the object space.
IClassInstance - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
An instance of a Class (an object).
IDataType - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
An abstract data type in the UML model.
IDataTypeInstance - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
An instance of a Data Type.
IElementPresentationProvider - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction
Deprecated. Not for public use.
IEnumeration - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
An enumeration in the UML model.
IEnumerationInstance - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
An instance of a Enumeration.
IEnumerationLiteral - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
An enumeration literal of an Enumeration.
IFeature - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstarct generalization of classifier features.
ILinkObject - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
An instance of an Association Class (a link-object).
IllegalComponentStateException - Exception in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction
An exception thrown when widgets are misconfigured.
IllegalComponentStateException(IClassifierInstance, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.IllegalComponentStateException
IllegalComponentStateException(IClassifierInstance, String) - Constructor for exception rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.IllegalComponentStateException
IMElement - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of an element of the UML model, having runtime semantics.
IMultiplicityElement - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of multiplicity elements.
INamedElement - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of named elements.
INamespace - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of namespaces.
includesCardinality(int) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IMultiplicityElement
Is the given cardinality allowed by the multiplicity?
includesCardinality(int) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the given cardinality allowed by the multiplicity?
includesMultiplicity(IMultiplicityElement) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IMultiplicityElement
Is the given multiplicity included in this multiplicity?
index - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableColumnData.FQPropertyNames
index - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableColumnData
Deprecated. Not for public use.
index - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableColumnData.PROPERTIES
index - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableRowData.FQPropertyNames
index - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableRowData
Deprecated. Not for public use.
index - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableRowData.PROPERTIES
index - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIGetElementAt.FQPropertyNames
index - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIGetElementAt
Deprecated. Not for public use.
index - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIGetElementAt.PROPERTIES
indirect - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUISlotEditorKind.FQPropertyNames
indirect - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUISlotEditorKind
Deprecated. Not for public use.
indirect - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUISlotEditorKind.PROPERTIES
indirect - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUISlotValueInput.FQPropertyNames
indirect - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUISlotValueInput
Deprecated. Not for public use.
indirect - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUISlotValueInput.PROPERTIES
indirect - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUISlotListenerComponent.FQPropertyNames
indirect - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUISlotListenerComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
indirect - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUISlotListenerComponent.PROPERTIES
init - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent.FQPropertyNames
init - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
init - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent.PROPERTIES
initialSearch(GUISearchResultComponent) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent.ClassicSearch
initialSearch(GUISearchResultComponent) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent.ISearch
initialSearch(GUISearchResultComponent) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent.QueryBuilderSearch
initialSearch(GUISearchResultComponent) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent.QueryDefinitionSearch
initialSearch(GUISearchResultComponent) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent.QueryResultSearch
initialValues - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInputKind.FQPropertyNames
initialValues - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInputKind
Deprecated. Not for public use.
initialValues - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInputKind.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIBufferComponent.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIBufferComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIBufferComponent.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUICollectionFilter.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUICollectionFilter
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUICollectionFilter.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIFilterComponent.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIFilterComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIFilterComponent.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIGetElementAt.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIGetElementAt
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIGetElementAt.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIIndexOfElement.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIIndexOfElement
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIIndexOfElement.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUINotGate.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUINotGate
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUINotGate.PROPERTIES
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUITransformerComponent.FQPropertyNames
input - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUITransformerComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
input - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUITransformerComponent.PROPERTIES
inputBindings - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent.FQPropertyNames
inputBindings - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
inputBindings - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent.PROPERTIES
inputTypeFQName - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget.FQPropertyNames
inputTypeFQName - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget
Deprecated. Not for public use.
inputTypeFQName - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget.PROPERTIES
INSTANCE - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.SerializationMapper
InstanceOfDataType - Class in rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes
InstanceOfDataType() - Constructor for class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.InstanceOfDataType
InstanceOfEnumeration - Class in rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes
InstanceOfEnumeration(IEnumerationLiteral) - Constructor for class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.InstanceOfEnumeration
InstanceOfPrimitiveType - Class in rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes
InstanceOfPrimitiveType() - Constructor for class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.InstanceOfPrimitiveType
Integer - Class in rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes
Integer() - Constructor for class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Integer
Creates a new Integer instance.
Integer(int) - Constructor for class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Integer
Creates a new Integer instance.
Please, use Integer.valueOf(int) instead.
Integer.DefaultHandler - Class in rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes
Integer.DefaultHandler() - Constructor for class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Integer.DefaultHandler
Integer.DefaultSerializationHandler - Class in rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes
Integer.DefaultSerializationHandler() - Constructor for class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Integer.DefaultSerializationHandler
intValue(ISlot<Integer>) - Static method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Integer
intValue(Integer) - Static method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Integer
intValueSafe(IAttributeValue<Integer>) - Static method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Integer
IObjectID - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
ipA() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIAndGate
Returns the A input pin; when event occurs, the Boolean value from the binding message accepted on this pin is stored in this widget internally, and also, new Boolean value (the result of AND operation on just accepted value and the last accepted value on the B input pin) is provided on the output output pin (opOutput() method).
ipA() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIOrGate
Returns the A input pin; when event occurs, the Boolean value from the binding message accepted on this pin is stored in this widget internally, and also, new Boolean value (the result of OR operation on just accepted value and the last accepted value on the B input pin) is provided on the output output pin (opOutput() method).
ipAbortSearch() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent
Returns the abortSearch input pin; when event occurs, the currently executing search will be aborted on the server.
IPackage - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
A package in the UML model.
IPackageableElement - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of elements in the UML model that can be directly owned by Packages.
ipAddStyle() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
A getter of an input pin responsible for adding a CSS style to this widget.
ipB() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIAndGate
Returns the B input pin; when event occurs, the Boolean value from the binding message accepted on this pin is stored in this widget internally, and also, new Boolean value (the result of AND operation on just accepted value and the last accepted value on the A input pin) is provided on the output output pin (opOutput() method).
ipB() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIOrGate
Returns the B input pin; when event occurs, the Boolean value from the binding message accepted on this pin is stored in this widget internally, and also, new Boolean value (the result of OR operation on just accepted value and the last accepted value on the A input pin) is provided on the output output pin (opOutput() method).
ipBack() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the back input pin; when event occurs, the child of this widget that was visible before currently visible child will get visible (only if this widget supports it).
ipCaption() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDialogComponent
Returns the caption input pin; when event occurs, the textual content of the binding message will be used as the new caption of this dialog.
ipCaption() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUILinkComponent
Returns the caption input pin; when event occurs, the textual content of the binding message is used to set the caption of this widget.
ipChecked() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the checked input pin; when event occurs, if this widget is check box, it will get checked and new value will be stored in corresponding attribute.
ipChecked() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipChecked() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the checked input pin; when event occurs, if this widget is check box, it will get checked.
ipClearContents() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent
Returns the clearContents input pin; when event occurs, all items in the search result page will be cleared.
ipClearParameters() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent
Returns the clearParameters input pin; when event occurs, all collected parameter values will be cleared.
ipClearValue() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the clearValue input pin; when event occurs, selected, picked, or specified value of this widget will be cleared and corresponding slot will also be cleared in the object space.
ipClearValue() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipClearValue() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the clearValue input pin; when event occurs, selected, picked, or specified value of this widget will be cleared.
ipClick() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUICommandComponent
Returns the click input pin; when event occurs, the command is executed with the current state of the parameter values.
ipCollection() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the collection input pin; when event occurs, the collection of instances from the binding message will be presented in this widget.
ipCollection() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipCollection() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the collection input pin; when event occurs, the collection of instances from the binding message will be presented in this widget.
ipElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDynamicallyVisibleTabsComponent
Returns the element input pin; when event occurs, the element from the binding message will be used as a parameter to fetch a collection of tabs that should be visible from that moment onwards.
ipElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDynamicContentsPanel
Returns the element input pin; when event occurs, the element from the binding message will be used as a parameter to fetch a children sub-tree that should replace the existing sub-tree.
ipElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the slot editor element input pin; when event occurs, this widget will read the slot of the specified property of the object from the binding message and refresh presented values accordingly.
ipElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUISingleElementComponent
Returns the element input pin; when event occurs, the object from the binding message will be displayed by this widget.
ipElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIIndexOfElement
Returns the element input pin; when event occurs, the element from the binding message will be used to determine its index (position) in a collection obtained through the other input pin input (GUIIndexOfElement.ipInput() method), and to provide that found index on the output output pin (GUIIndexOfElement.opOutput() method).
ipElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIServiceAccessPointComponent
Returns the element input pin; when event occurs, this widget will fetch elements based on the element from the binding message received on this pin, and provide them on the value output pin (GUIServiceAccessPointComponent.opValue() method).
ipElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUISlotListenerComponent
Returns the element input pin; when event occurs, this widget will fetch elements linked over the slot of this widget to the element from the binding message received on this pin, and provide them on the value output pin (GUISlotListenerComponent.opValue() method).
ipEnabled() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
A getter of an input pin responsible for enabling or disabling this widget.
ipFirstParam() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUICommandComponent
Returns the firstParam input pin; when event occurs, the content of the binding message is stored in this widget internally and used afterwards as a parameter when the assigned command is executed.
ipFocus() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the focus input pin; when event occurs, this widget will receive focus.
ipFocus() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipFocus() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the focus input pin; when event occurs, this widget will receive focus.
ipForward() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the forward input pin; when event occurs, the child of this widget that was visible after currently visible child will get visible (only if this widget supports it).
ipHide() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDialogComponent
Returns the hide input pin; when event occurs, this dialog will get hidden.
ipHref() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUILinkComponent
Returns the href input pin; when event occurs, the textual content of the binding message is used to set the URL (href) of this widget.
ipHTML() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIHTMLComponent
Returns the HTML input pin; when event occurs, the HTML content from the binding message will be used to set this widget's HTML content.
ipIndex() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIGetElementAt
Returns the index input pin; when event occurs, the index value from the binding message will be used to find the value at that position in a collection obtained through the other input pin input (GUIGetElementAt.ipInput() method), and to provide that found value on the output output pin (GUIGetElementAt.opOutput() method).
ipInit() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
A getter of an input pin responsible for (re)initialization of this widget.
ipInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIBufferComponent
Returns the input input pin; when event occurs, value(s) accepted on that pin is/are stored in this widget internally so it/they can be provided on the output output pin (GUIBufferComponent.opOutput() method) when new event appears at the send input pin (GUIBufferComponent.ipSend() method).
ipInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUICollectionFilter
Returns the input input pin; when event occurs, this widget will filter the collection of elements and provide the result on the output output pin (GUICollectionFilter.opOutput() method).
ipInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIFilterComponent
Returns the input input pin; when event occurs, value accepted on this pin is filtered according to the filtering policy of this class and appropriate values are provided on the output pins: yes (GUIFilterComponent.opYes() method), no (GUIFilterComponent.opNo() method), and booleanResult (GUIFilterComponent.opBooleanResult() method).
ipInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIGetElementAt
Returns the input input pin; when event occurs, the collection of values from the binding message will be inspected and only one value at the position (in a collection) obtained through the other input pin index (GUIGetElementAt.ipIndex() method) will be provided on the output output pin (GUIGetElementAt.opOutput() method).
ipInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIIndexOfElement
Returns the input input pin; when event occurs, the collection of values from the binding message will be inspected and the index (in a collection) that corresponds to the element obtained through the other input pin element (GUIIndexOfElement.ipElement() method) will be provided on the output output pin (GUIIndexOfElement.opOutput() method).
ipInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUINotGate
Returns the input input pin; when event occurs, the Boolean value from the binding message accepted on this pin is inverted (the result of NOT operation) and provided on the output output pin (opOutput() method).
ipInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUITransformerComponent
Returns the input input pin; when event occurs, this widget will transform (using assigned transformer) the element from the binding message received on this pin into other element, which will be provided on the output output pin (GUITransformerComponent.opOutput() method).
ipLabel() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUILabelComponent
Returns the label input pin; when event occurs, the textual content from the binding message will be used to set this widget's label.
ipLoad() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUILazyPanel
Returns the load input pin; when event occurs, this widget will load its content from the server.
ipNext() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the next input pin; when event occurs, if the child with the index i is currently visible, then the child with the index i + 1 will get visible ( only if this widget supports it).
ipOpen() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDisclosurePanel
Returns the open input pin; when event occurs, the Boolean value from the binding message content will be used to specify whether this panel should open (true) or close (false) its sub-tree (that is, its content).
ipOpenLink() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUILinkComponent
Returns the openLink input pin; when event occurs, the request for resource with the URL of this widget is issued by this widget (that is, by the browser).
ipParent() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipPause() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUITimerComponent
Returns the pause input pin; when event occurs, the count-down pauses.
ipPrevious() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the previous input pin; when event occurs, if the child with the index i is currently visible, then the child with the index i - 1 will get visible ( only if this widget supports it).
ipRedo() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUICommandComponent
Returns the redo input pin; when event occurs, the action proposed by the execution policy will be performed: check pre-conditions, execute, or nothing.
ipRefresh() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIEdit type to the refresh input pin (ipRefresh() method).
ipRefresh() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the slot editor refresh input pin; when event occurs, the slot currently being presented and listened to is re-fetched or refreshed.
ipRefresh() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipRefresh() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUICollectionFilter
Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, this widget will re-filter the collection of elements and provide the result on the output output pin (GUICollectionFilter.opOutput() method).
ipRefresh() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIServiceAccessPointComponent
Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, this widget will re-fetch elements based on the last element received on the element input pin (GUIServiceAccessPointComponent.ipElement() method), and provide them on the value output pin (GUIServiceAccessPointComponent.opValue() method).
ipRefresh() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUITransformerComponent
Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, this widget will re-transform the last element received on the input input pin (GUITransformerComponent.ipInput() method), and provide transformation result on the output output pin (GUITransformerComponent.opOutput() method).
ipRefreshContents() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDynamicContentsPanel
Returns the refreshContents input pin; when event occurs, this panel will re-fetch its children sub-tree based on the last received element via the element input pin (GUIDynamicContentsPanel.ipElement() method).
ipRefreshInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, the presented data will be re-fetched from the server.
ipRefreshInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipRefreshInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the refresh input pin; when event occurs, the presented data will be re-fetched from the server.
ipRefreshVisibleTabs() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDynamicallyVisibleTabsComponent
Returns the refreshVisibleTabs input pin; when event occurs, this panel will re-fetch tabs based on the last received element via the element input pin (GUIDynamicallyVisibleTabsComponent.ipElement() method).
ipRelay() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIRelayComponent
Returns the relay input pin; when event occurs, the value from the binding message is immediately provided on the relay output pin (GUIRelayComponent.opRelay() method).
ipRelay1() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the relay1 input pin; when event occurs, the content of the binding message is immediately forwarded to the relay1 output pin (GUIContainerComponent.opRelay1() method).
ipRelay2() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the relay2 input pin; when event occurs, the content of the binding message is immediately forwarded to the relay2 output pin (GUIContainerComponent.opRelay2() method).
ipRemoveStyle() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
A getter of an input pin responsible for removing a CSS style from this widget.
ipReset() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the reset input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIInput type to the reset input pin (ipReset() method).
ipReset() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent
Returns the reset input pin; when event occurs, all selected items in the search result page will be unselected.
ipReset() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipReset() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the reset input pin; when event occurs the value of this widget will be re-set to initial value.
IPrimitiveType - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
A primitive type in the UML model.
IPrimitiveTypeInstance - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
An instance of a Primitive Data Type.
IProperty - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
A property of a Classifier.
ipScrollToTop() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIApplicationComponent
Returns the scrollToTop input pin; when event occurs, the web page will immediately be scrolled up to the top.
ipSearch() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent
Returns the search input pin; when event occurs, the search will be performed with the current collection of parameter values.
ipSecondParam() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUICommandComponent
Returns the secondParam input pin; when event occurs, the content of the binding message is stored in this widget internally and used afterwards as a parameter when the assigned command is executed.
ipSelectAll() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent
Returns the selectAll input pin; when event occurs, all items in the search result page will be selected.
ipSelectAll() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the selectAll input pin; when event occurs, this widget will select all objects that are presented at that moment in time.
ipSelectAll() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipSelectAll() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the selectAll input pin; when event occurs, this widget will select all objects that are presented at that moment in time.
ipSelection() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent
Returns the selection input pin; when event occurs, the object from the binding message will be used to select it in the search results if it exist.
ipSelection() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the selection input pin; when event occurs, this widget will try to select object(s) from the binding message if it/they is/are presented in this widget.
ipSelection() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipSelection() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the selection input pin; when event occurs, this widget will try to select object(s) from the binding message if it/they is/are presented in this widget.
ipSend() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.nonvisualcompoments.GUIBufferComponent
Returns the send input pin; when event occurs, the last value received on the input input pin (GUIBufferComponent.ipInput() method) is provided on the output output pin (GUIBufferComponent.opOutput() method).
ipShow() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
A getter of an input pin responsible for making all the ancestors of this widget in the GUI tree show their sub-tree that contains this widget.
ipShowInParent() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
A getter of an input pin responsible for making the first ancestor of this widget in the GUI tree show its sub-tree rooted at this widget.
ipSlotValueElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the slot value element input pin; when event occurs, the slot value of the object from the binding message will be fetched and and presented.
ipSlotValueElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipSlotValueElement() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the slot value element input pin; when event occurs, the slot value of the object from the binding message will be fetched and and presented.
ipStart() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUITimerComponent
Returns the start input pin; when event occurs, the count-down starts.
ipStop() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUITimerComponent
Returns the stop input pin; when event occurs, the count-down stops.
ipSubmit() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the submit input pin; when event occurs, the empty binding message will be sent to all children of this widget of the GUIEdit type to the submit input pin (ipSubmit() method).
ipSubmit() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the submit input pin; when event occurs, the values presented in this widget will be submitted into the current slot.
ipSubmit() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipSubnodesInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Deprecated. Not supported any more.
ipSubnodesInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipSubnodesInput() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Deprecated. Not supported any more.
ipTarget() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUILinkComponent
Returns the target input pin; when event occurs, the textual content of the binding message is used to set the target window of this widget.
ipText() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUICommandComponent
Returns the text input pin; when event occurs, the textual binding message content will become new text (label) of this widget.
ipTime() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUITimerComponent
Returns the time input pin; when event occurs, the content from the binding message is used to set new count-down time of this widget.
ipTitle() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIApplicationComponent
Returns the title input pin; when event occurs, the textual binding message content will become a new title of this widget.
ipUnchecked() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the unchecked input pin; when event occurs, if this widget is check box, it will get unchecked and new value will be stored in corresponding attribute.
ipUnchecked() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipUnchecked() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the unchecked input pin; when event occurs, if this widget is check box, it will get unchecked.
ipUnload() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUILazyPanel
Returns the unload input pin; when event occurs, this widget will unload its content from the server.
ipUnselectAll() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the unselectAll input pin; when event occurs, this widget will un-select all selected objects that are presented at that moment in time.
ipUnselectAll() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipUnselectAll() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the unselectAll input pin; when event occurs, this widget will un-select all selected objects that are presented at that moment in time.
ipValue() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIEdit
Returns the value input pin; when event occurs, binding message will be presented, picked or selected by this widget and new value stored in appropriate attribute or association end.
ipValue() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIElementComponent
ipValue() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIInput
Returns the value input pin; when event occurs, binding message content will be presented, picked or selected by this widget.
ipVisible() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
A getter of an input pin responsible for making this widget visible or invisible.
ipVisibleChild() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIContainerComponent
Returns the visibleChild input pin; when event occurs, the integer content of the binding message will be use to define the index of the next visible child of this widget (only if this widget supports it).
IRelationship - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of relationships in the UML model, having runtime semantics.
IRTElement - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
Abstract generalization of all elements in the object space with runtime semantics supported by OOIS UML.
isAbstract() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IClassifier
Is this Classifier abstract?
isAssociationEnd() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IProperty
Is this Property an association end?
isAssociationEnd() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is this Slot an instance of an association end?
isAttribute() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IProperty
Is this Property an attribute (not an asociation end)?
isAttributeValue() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is this Slot an Attribute Value (instance of an attribute)?
isAutoHide() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDialogComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isClass() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IClassifier
Is this Classifier a Class?
isClassInstance() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
Is this Classifier Instance a Class Instance?
isComposite() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IProperty
Is this Property a composite aggregation?
isComposite() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot a composite aggregation?
isConfirmationRequired() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUICommandComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isDataType() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IClassifier
Is this Classifier a Data Type?
isDataTypeInstance() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
Is this Classifier Instance a Data Type Instance?
isDerived() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IAssociation
Is this Association derived?
isDerived() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IProperty
Is this Property derived?
isDerived() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot derived?
isDerivedUnion() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IProperty
Is this Property a derived union?
isDerivedUnion() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot a derived union?
isDirectInstanceOf(IClassifier) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
Is this a direct instance of the given Classifier?
isDirectInstanceOf(String) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
Is this a direct instance of the Classifier with the given fully qualified name?
isElementSpecific() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUIBindingsFeature
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isElementSpecific() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUIPictureFeature
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isElementSpecific() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUISettingFeature
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isElementSpecific() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUITextFeature
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isEmpty() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Text
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Boolean
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Color
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Currency
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Date
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.DateTime
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.File
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Font
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.InstanceOfEnumeration
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Time
isEqualTo(IClassifierInstance) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
Is this Classifier Instance equal to the given Classifier Instance?
Semantic rules:
isException() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IClass
isFixed - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableLayout.FQPropertyNames
isFixed - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableLayout
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isFixed - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.layout.TableLayout.PROPERTIES
isFixed - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUIPictureFeature.FQPropertyNames
isFixed - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUIPictureFeature
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isFixed - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUIPictureFeature.PROPERTIES
isFixed - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUITextFeature.FQPropertyNames
isFixed - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUITextFeature
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isFixed - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUITextFeature.PROPERTIES
isHorizontal() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIMenuComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isHTML - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget.FQPropertyNames
isHTML - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isHTML - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget.PROPERTIES
isInputPin(ISlot) - Static method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isInstanceOf(IClassifier) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
Is this a direct or indirect instance of the given Classifier?
isInstanceOf(String) - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
Is this a direct or indirect instance of the Classifier with the given fully qualified name?
isInterface() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IClass
isLimited() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IMultiplicityElement
Is there an upper bound of cardinality?
isLimited() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is there an upper bound of cardinality?
ISlot<T extends IClassifierInstance> - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime
A runtime manifestation (an instance of) a Property.
isMarkedAsDeleted() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.IClassifierInstance
Is this Classifier Instance already marked as deleted - already visited by the recursive operation of deletion propagation?
isModal() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDialogComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isMultiselect - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent.FQPropertyNames
isMultiselect - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isMultiselect - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUISearchResultComponent.PROPERTIES
isMultiValued() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IMultiplicityElement
Is this Multiplicity Element multi-valued? It is if its upper bound is greater than 1.
isMultiValued() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot as a Multiplicity Element multi-valued? It is if its upper bound is greater than 1.
isNavigable() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IProperty
Tells whether this property (association end) is navigable.
isNullOrEmpty(Text) - Static method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.builtindomains.builtindatatypes.Text
isOrdered() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IMultiplicityElement
Is this Multiplicity Element ordered?
isOrdered() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot ordered?
isOutputPin(ISlot) - Static method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction.GUIComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isPassword - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget.FQPropertyNames
isPassword - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isPassword - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIFieldWidget.PROPERTIES
isPropagatedDeletion() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IProperty
Is this Property marked to propagate deletion?
isPropagatedDeletion() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot marked to propagate deletion?
For composite association ends, it always is.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IStructuralFeature
Is this Structural Feature read-only (cannot be modified)?
isReadOnly() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot read-only (cannot be modified)?
isSeparator() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIMenuItemComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isSingleton() - Method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIDialogComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isSingleValued() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IMultiplicityElement
Is this Multiplicity Element single-valued? It is if its upper bound is 1.
isSingleValued() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot as a Multiplicity Element single-valued? It is if its upper bound is 1.
isStatic() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IFeature
Is this Feature static (has classifier scope)?
isStatic() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot static (has classifier scope)?
isToggle - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIMultipleElementWidget.FQPropertyNames
isToggle - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIMultipleElementWidget
Deprecated. Not for public use.
isToggle - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.elementcomponents.GUIMultipleElementWidget.PROPERTIES
IStructuralFeature - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of structural features of Classifiers.
isUnique() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IMultiplicityElement
Is this Multiplicity Element unique?
isUnique() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Is the Property of this Slot unique?
isUnlimited() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection.IMultiplicityElement
Isn't there an upper bound of cardinality?
isUnlimited() - Method in interface rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.runtime.ISlot
Isn't there an upper bound of cardinality?
isValidSlot(ISlot) - Static method in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.style.GUITextFeature
Deprecated. Not for public use.
items - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIMenuComponent.FQPropertyNames
items - Variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIMenuComponent
Deprecated. Not for public use.
items - Static variable in class rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.components.GUIMenuComponent.PROPERTIES
IType - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
A type in the UML model.
ITypedElement - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.uml.concepts.reflection
Abstract generalization of typed elements.
IUpdatable - Interface in rs.sol.soloist.server.guiconfiguration.construction
Deprecated. Not for public use.